I personally prefer the feel of a flat bearing (SPEC) in it, but that’s because I prefer flat bearings in all my yo-yos. Had you asked me a few months ago when Center Tracs were my favorite bearings, I would have told you Center Trac. So it all boils down to what you like playing in any other yo-yo - this one’s no different.
Now if you’re asking if you should buy a new SPEC to replace the Center Trac, I’d say hold off and just ride it out with the Center Trac, or just swap bearings with your existing yo-yos to try the feel of both and find which one you prefer for the time being.
On the other hand, I find SPECs in general to be a crapshoot. Some I’ve gotten play amazing but the majority (by a slim margin, and I’ve owned quite a few) of the ones I’ve received have given subpar performance from the beginning. So if you seem to have better luck than me, go ahead and take the gamble with the SPEC. But there are more reliable and less expensive alternatives out there.
CT makes my binds slippy. I much much much prefer flat bearings. I strongly suggest against getting a KK/CT unless it comes with your yoyo, and if you can, replacing it with a flat bearing like a YYJ Stock/Speed Bearing/YYF Spec. 10 ball work too.