YoYos you're looking forward to?

I did, but it’s a yo-yo I’m not just excited I’m getting. I’m excited for the thought of future stainless steel yoyos

I don’t think all-steel yo-yos have much of a future, personally.


yoyofactory is going to release a new genesis called the “Neo genesis” this May according to their website & Instagram. Pretty stoked

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Anything One Drop for the foreseeable future

Snagged a Metalhead on the presale yesterday. Also can’t wait for the Sugar Glider.

I’m genuinely curious about the T.S. but I wanna hear something about how it plays first.


I’m with you on that. The possibility for weight distribution is pretty slim so at most we’re gonna see a bunch of yoyos that play very much the same and don’t offer much in the way of performance gain. Bit of a gimmick to be honest.

I do think there are still gains to be made with creative use of materials, but all steel isn’t it.


Just to be fair, and not trying to derail the subject at hand, aren’t we seeing that with aluminum yoyos right now? Most yoyos these days, are weighted the same, similar shapes, etc. Sort of you’ve thrown one, you’ve thrown them all. Maybe we’ve come to a head at what can be done, or we’ve got too many players (brands) on the field, and not enough creativity or thinking outside the box.

Not every brand is doing this, but a large percentage of yoyos these days seem to fall into this, IMO.


I think he’s saying the design aspects are limited. Because steel is so heavy, there’s only so much you can do with it and distribute compared to aluminum. I think a lot of yoyos look/feel the same now because they are optimized for performance. And even then there are those yoyos being made like the doorknob or doughnuts that (probably) can’t be done with steel.

I could be wrong,but that’s what I got from his post

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I think we have a huge diversity of weight distros right now. We have a.rt doing center weighted, organic shaped yoyos, we got YYR doing extreme rim weighted yoyos and a load of companies doing everything in between.

As a starting designer it’s easy to fall into the ‘must increase rim weight’ mindset and we’re seeing a lot of yoyos like that. That’s not always a bad thing because it works well. It’s much harder to balance a yoyo well for different types of feel, which is why a-rt in particular are doing well because they have a great formula. TP is another brand I hold in high regard for this.

I think saying once you’ve played one, you’ve played them all is a bit reductive. Some brands, even some I’ve mentioned here stick to a formula and a lot of them end up playing similarly, but that’s because that’s what those brands like to play and they build a base of fans who also like that feeling in a yoyo.

Take One Drop for example. They tend not to make yoyos with a high percentage of rim weight. They like to push what rim weight there is in a bit and include a bit more center weight than some other companies. The result is a feel that you know is One Drop when you play the yoyo. Even at different sizes and shapes, you can tell it’s a One Drop. Even then, there are some subtle nuances that let you feel the difference.

I should state - I firmly believe there is no best yoyo, only the yoyo you like best. Hopefully that puts what I said into a bit more context.

There just isn’t room for that much expression with a purely steel design. It’s not strong enough to machine thinner than titanium and it’s so dense you can almost just draw a shape at minimum thickness before you’re in 70g territory.


7075 Project.


Ti-project. Was thinking about this in the shower yesterday


Stop it, you’ll go blind.


Itd be so cool though


I’ll see what I can do.

I’m also excited for the Sugar Glider. Do we know if that will show up here at Yoyo Expert?


They probably will.

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I would be stunned if it was not at YYE, literally every other OD release (except the Fire Devil, I guess?) has been at YYE!


Great to hear!
(Was the SK not on YYE?)

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We will have the Sugar Glider! :blush: :raised_hands:


Can’t wait!