Yoyos that can do virtually every trick?

What yoyo can do just about everything? Finger grinds, fringer spins, thumb grinds, etc. I’ll start by list in ng the cheat code. When I say fingerspin I mean a cup for long spins

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Hmmm being able to thumb grind/ rim grind and has a spot for finger spins cuts out a lot of my collection but I looked over everything and here’s what I got that fits the criteria—
Summer Solstice
Speedaholic FX

I think that’s it lol


doc pop icarus and populist. icarus has a better surface for grinds but they are both solid performers.


I second the Speedaholic FX


Shfx does most of them but palm grinds might not be so great on glossy rimmed versions


Gloves being required is okay

Unless it’s modular (or you’ve got some really special gloves) you’re going to have a hard time finding a yoyo that’s good for fingerspins and matador tricks.

One Drop’s side effects and Auldey’s universal hub accessories can both lend a lot of versatility to a single yoyo, but I don’t know if that potential has been fully explored.

A yoyo that can do horizontal 1a and also looping tricks isn’t likely to be ideal for competition, and manufacturers have to consider the market for one that would try to do both.


Eh probably works ok but the technique would have to be adjusted like more angle less flat. My other yo-yos w glossy/polished rims can still palm grind but gloves and grinds do just go together really well.

I should have been more specific and said 1a. And I was just playing with spikes and thought the same thing about matador lol

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you’re making me want to buy one now lol, $80 on rewind is no joke though


That makes things a lot easier. The Auldey Morph Master is the most recent yoyo I can think of that dared to perform in Classic, Butterfly, and Pagoda.

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I have three of these. I carried one for about a year. They all three have the same axle issue where the string gets caught between where the axle twist together. I love the idea just needs executed a bit better.

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I haven’t had that issue yet with the Morph Master, but it’s been a problem on both of the NED Cosmic Spins (SuperYo Renegades) I’ve tried.

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I’m curious: does a fingerspin hub have a practical use/benefit beyond fingerspin tricks?

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Not really but it is a easy/satisfying trick that gives good satisfaction as well as impress friends/loved ones/spectators that are not invested in yoyo. It allows you to do cool body movements to make use of the space around you. I’m not saying it’s the end all be all trick. If the yoyo can do fingerspin/thumb,rim,finger,palm,arm grinds it would be a great mono metal/plastic hybrid for beginners who can’t buy multiple yoyos or don’t want to carry more than one.

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Honestly a yo-yo that can do a little of everything ends up being a really lame yoyo.

Think of yoyo as a tool. sure a multi tool with a hammer can drive a nail but it’s gonna be way less effective at the task than a dedicated hammer. Same thing in yoyo a yo-yo really good at tech is gonna shine vs a yo-yo than can do it all mediocre.

I do like modular designs they have potential but then you add vibe. In the end a yoyo with a goal to do something really well is a much better yoyo.



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  • Iceberg


  • Death Adder

Rain City

  • Ouroboros


  • AOE

Be aware that some yoyos with dedicated finger spin cups actually suck at finger spins for anyone who hasn’t fully mastered them. Yoyos like the Paragraph, Hummingbird, and Civility do have cups, but unless you land it within a couple millimeters of dead center straight from the pop-up, it’s not going to lock in. The yoyos I listed above are all owned by me or my son and are great for finger spins, grinds, and all the tricks we personally know.


I can agree with that. They all have a place. Just too many for me to buy and try lol.

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I’m curious: does a fingerspin hub have a practical use/benefit beyond fingerspin tricks?

Pull starts and matadors.


I will note separate from my above statement. The yoyo user base especially new users are very inclined to go for the Swiss Army knife of yo-yos for there first yoyo so the market for a generally all around “good” yoyo will always exist but once you get past that mindset of wanting a bit of everything and find what you like you will rarely pickup the good at everything yoyo again in comparison to something that does the tricks you like to do really well.