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Let him make his own decision! Jeez we all know therealyoyovsman and Henry Perez and this guy are the same person. But just leave him alone! Why do you care so much about bugging this guy??

Because he’s probably a scam, but I don’t know, I’m just going to leave him alone now.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Q is Pwning u in da’ face! ;D ;D ;D

How about me? Q only did a little of the work, JK, it’s OK.

Oh snap forgot about you X, And X is smackin’ you around like the ugly dog you are! :wink:

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ok thats just harsh dude

The truth hurts… ;D

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Thanks man! ;D

Any time, any time ;D

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Thanks again man, really makes me feel good. :smiley:

LOL! Yay my SvZB BvM is here!!

How would you like if I just now assumed you guys all started scamming? It’s exactly what you guys are doing right now, I totally understand the risks but you have the same risk for literally anybody. We don’t know maybe Q has worked to get all this rep so he can do one massive scam and then bail the forum? You guys need to stop with the “oh this guy is a scammer!!!” and all that. Just say hey, this guy was connected to a suspected scammer and leave it at that. It’[s posts like this that make me want to leave the forum.

Since when?

By rep I mean your trade count, ad also don’t take this the wrong way Q i’m not like saying your a scammer or anything I just used you as an example.

User was banned for having multiple accounts. Other account was “HotHands”

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