Yoyorecreation or Turning Point?

Thinking about taking a delve into the high end Japanese market. Both of these seem very highly regarded. Currently I have been a fan of 56 diameter throws, with weights around 65-67 grams. I have always like the look of the Leviathan. So any suggestions? I also like the look of the SY-100 Stealth Ogre.

The Turning Point Solenoid would be my pick. Fits right in your preferences as well at exactly 56mm and 67.1g.


You can also consider:

YYR Sleipnir or Gleipnir, sOMEThING Anglam.

Make sure you search for the best price. The $/Yen has fallen quite a bit recently. I have seen brand-new YoyoyRecreation and Turning Point selling for $159 recently.

Is there a difference between quality? Everybody seems to say something about yyr is better but they can’t name what it is.

I don’t have any metal YYR’s at this point in time.

I don’t think quality is the issue. I think it’s a matter of preferences for the shapes involved. Both are excellent brands,

I have a TP Positron. I do have an YYR but it’s a Diffusion, so it’s not on the same level. It is a great plastic, but it’s not in the same category as metals.

Like most yoyos made in Japan, both YYR and TP have absolutely stellar reputations when it comes to quality. It really isn’t an issue at all. Pick a size, shape and weight that you prefer and go from there.


Honestly, I do not think TP stacks up to YYR. The YYRs seem to be in my humble opinion, simply better yoyos. I feel that they have superior spin strength, and feel higher quality. I also believe that they play much better than TP. I have owned a Leviathan 2, Leviathan 3 , and Maxbet. All of these have been topped by every YYR that I have ever tried.

Also, my $120 IronyJP also beats the TP’s.