I am not sure of the current exchange rate, but 50 pounds sounds pretty steep for a Messiah. Those were probably the most un-appreciated YYR there was. Ok, other than the original Diffusion - which was really bad.
I would look for a Stargazer, E=MC^2, Attune, Fragment, Sleipnir or Gleipnir. If you are going to spend the money - get the best.
For 50 pounds, you could get any of the Acro’s or the Triad from this site. Those are all better choices for the money.
I hope that is not too late… and it helps…
EDIT: The blink is pretty good! That might be worth 50 pounds.
too late, bought it. Still got some money left so I might try and get a blink too. Also no chance I’m ordering from here because of shipping and other reasons.
Also the yoyo has literally been thrown twice. It’s pretty much brand new
The Blink is a fantastic little yoyo, really enjoy mine.
I’ve been throwing my Qilin a lot recently and I really do think that YYR have hit the nail on the head with Rebellion. There was always that wonder that “is a budget YYR going to be any good?”, but the Qilin is just sensational, it ticks every box in terms of looks, price and performance.
I think Rebellion deserves much more love. It’d probably be in YYR’s interest to sponsor a couple of players to promote the brand more, they could pretty much take over the budget metal scene if they played their cards right.
I have to agree on all points. The Rebellion line is one of the best budget lines out there. Any one who thinks that a yo-yo made in China cannot be high-quality, needs to try one of these first. My Acro is beautifully blasted, and is dead-smooth.
The (price/performance) is at the top of the scale.
The Messiah is now my main throw for EVERYTHING, and I decided I desperately want another YYR. Got a bigger budget this time so I’m hoping I can go for something better.
I have around £130 (around 24,000 JPY and around $200) and I’ve been trying to search for stores which sell YYRs in Asia/Europe. I’d rather get something in production or at least brand new off somewhere like SpinGear. My choices are off of SpinGear:
Both Triads
I would really like both a Valkyrie and Draupnir, I tried both and I loved the valkyrie but the Draupnir is more in my price range.
I thought I would post my current, unique YYR. I have a few doubles, but these are the “keepers” for me so far. The silver one next to the “Take That” Sleipnir, is a raw Attune. I want a Valkyrie and will get a basted, anodized Sputnik when it appears.
The top row has the Ti Seventh Heaven. I simply cannot recommend this yo-yo enough. It is one of the best Ti-throws out there. So much fun to play.
If you can find a Draupnir or a Valkyrie - get that. If you do not like them, then after you get out of whatever insane-asylum you are living in; unloading them will be a breeze.
If you just want to explore performance from YYR, and their flagship stuff is unavailable - I would score a Triad. That yo-yo was based on the Draupnir and has outstanding play and performance. It also is not the end of the world if you ding it. The Triad can play with anything, from anyone. Most importantly, it can play with anything from Yoyorecreation; for a fraction of the price. Even if you eventually buy everything they produce, you will still find yourself pulling-out the Triad when you need to learn something new, or you are heading out the door. It is that good.
The classic is lighter and faster. The “New” is heavier, but more stable and long-spinning. Both have spin-time and stability that rival the Laser or the Draupnir. Either choice is great.
Anyone played an Attune before? I scored one from a local trade, and I would like to know how it plays. I heard that it is like a smaller Sleipnir; which is one of my favorite YYR’s
I own a red one. Super fun, decently quick yoyo. It’s like a faster Stargazer. Great yoyo. You’ll be happy with it, and if not, there are people who’d want it.
I’m probably going ahead with buying a Draupnir. I found a guy who has one MIB which has only been played a few times. He has no price for it but I have no idea what would be a decent offer. Can you people help me price it correctly?
I like the raw Draupnir better than the anodized one’s. I have had the blasted/black and the blasted Grey - I sold both because I actually could feel the difference. The raw seems a little lighter and faster to me. While I noticed the weight, the supposed “Attuned” Draupnir never felt any different than the OG when it came to the gap and play.
It has a bit of a hollow feel to it and it plays very fast with great stability and long spin times; it doesn’t really seem to slow down through combos. With a good bearing you won’t feel it on the string at all but it punishes poor throws with lots of wobbles.