YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

This Draupnir is the most amazing thing I have ever used. The response is so perfect and the bearing is quiet and omg ahh

Those are two pretty separate things…

You could slap that response and bearing in a classic…

the design impacts the response as well, just because you can put the same bearing and same response in a classic doesn’t mean you’ll get the same response

accually the funny thing s you cant rly fix the response of a classic and it l always be either too slippy or too snappy
since yyj always deliberately makes 1 step from perfect yoyos and decided to give this one orings and thus way too high response separators

Since the draupnir has practically nothing but rim weight, it is especially resistant to angular acceleration and sometimes feels awkwardly hollow on a throw, particularly a front throw as it tries to drift backward when the second half of the string is too loosely bound to the response to pull off enough force to keep it spinning faster. A similar effect is observable on for example the overdrive.
however, this does also make unresponsive loops such as shoot the moon noticeably easier.

I still love this thing

Which color did you end up with?


The Matte Black Draupnir

lol congrats

Anyone on here got a Gold Attuned Draupnir on here or naw?

A fine choice sir. An absolute masterpiece of a yoyo. ;D

Made in china yyr’s that are actually from yyr now. Nice to see them entering the budget market.

Lol @ teh names

Nice, I managed to grab one of the pink ones, should be here any day. Pretty excited. My only other YYR is a diffusion.

Im digging the butcher

Yup, Butcher has my interest.

That Golyat reminds me of the 44Clash! Need!
