YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

Me too. Very fun opening them. Especially this time because i seriously have no idea what to expect or what A- means. Old leftover runs, splash ano flaws, protos, slight vibe, it’s a great mystery.

My translator sucks on my laptop and the description made no sense to me. I just seen the first mystery boxes go and couldn’t resist these. I’m just hoping they come before I leave my college for summer. When is this holiday thing over?

Today/tomorrow. You’ll definitely have it in time. Takes 3-4 days to get delivered not counting weekends, so we’ll have them all by this weekend i’m guessing.

I’m upset. Its been 4 years and I haven’t had the chance to try a YYR. I went to the YYR website the minute I saw someone’s indirect post about it and I couldn’t find the mystery box thingy. Someone should inform us about this so we could beat those local japanese buyers( who I suspect are buying them all).

Doubtful… Don’t forget YYR still cost Y14,800, the price is unchanged for Japanese residents, it only appears less expensive to us due to exchange rate fluctuations as of late. So Y17,XXX that this box cost, and the Y20,000 of the prior one, is still decently expensive there, although still an OK deal. Guessing it’s probably a mix of Japanese and overseas residents, but wouldn’t be surprised if the ratio leaned heavily towards overseas. Not to mention there will be lots of people selling stuff from them, after the first round of mystery boxes there were all sorts of new YYR going for <$100 on the B/S/T, so just keep a look out.

Has anybody received a shipping notice yet?

Holidays just ended yesterday in Japan re this link http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/?country=26. So, in Japan it’s basically noon on Tuesday and their 1st day back @ work. I’m sure they are real busy atm.

There is a lot of people who don’t like hubstacks, but I’ve still always wanted to see a six with stacks on it for some reason.


Everyone elses’ packages ship?? Expecting delivery Monday or Tuesday i think based on past orders, but possibly Saturday, depends on customs and when they actually get on the plane over here. Pretty excited. I’d love a Blink, Acrophobia(doubtful), Fragment, or Mr Butcher so if anyone ends up getting one and wants to trade or sell hit me up before heading to the B/S/T plz. :slight_smile:

Also older version splash Overdrives are available for an awesome price if you guys didn’t see. Newer version plays very similarly to the original so not missing out on much, but saves $33 or so.

Still haven’t seen a shipping notification from YYR =S


Same here, musta been a great holiday!

Tracked down a pink, unengraved B-grade Acrophobia from Japan. So excited. Probably overpaid($110+shipping), but honestly worth it just to play one i think(hope).

So jealous.

I got a notice this morning that my order was completed.
The tracking information was inside.

Just waiting by the window for Mr. Postman now…

I’m playing the same game right now with my fingers crossed for something I don’t have yet.


waited 2 weeks for it :slight_smile:

…and this is a GREAT yoyo!

Anyone else’s tracking not working?

Mine got delivered today i think. I’m on vacation until Monday, but tracking says final delivery.

What website did you check your tracking on?