YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

We can’t have rhyming names!

And they copied YYJ who produced the Speeder and the Chaser :smiley:

I’m sure He talked to YYJ about it! Since those WERE his signatures too! I wonder what the story of that is hmm

TWEEET TWEEEEET everyone out of the pool!

We all have our individual challenges. I’m ugly, my knuckles drag on the ground, and hair grows out my ears, but I can’t credit this for all of life’s hardships. I choose not to let my challenges victimize me. Not all things need to be shared on the internet. We take action, others respond, how we choose to react matters. How we choose to respond matters. We have more control over our world than we realize. Sometimes one’s challenges can work to their advantage. Thank goodness my wife was attracted to this ugly, hairy eared, knuckle dragger!

The thread topic is “YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread” so let’s get back to it.


Would anyone be interested in trading a normal anodized Draupnir (black preferred) for a gold Attuned one? I think I would prefer the narrower gap.

I have a red one I’ve been looking to trade. Mainly gunning for a black one, but how’s the Attuned version? I’m not sure what the gap increase is. Too big and causes slips?

As for the Draupnir I honestly think I’d like it better if it had a tiny bit bigger gap but having never thrown the Attuned Draupnir I obviously couldn’t say for sure. My Draupnir seems to get pretty grabby on slacks and stuff as my string wears down or if there is too much string tension in either direction. I’m sure this is user error to some degree but it is still something that has never been an issue on any other throws I’ve owned that I can think of outside my AC1.

Strange, I keep reading everywhere Draupnirs are a bit grabby or have very tight binds, however I’ve not been struck by this at all. ???
I play YYR 100% poly, which are slightly thicker than the average and I have absolutely no issues, even after hours of practice.

I’m definitely interested. If you didn’t see it yet I sent you a PM.

I’ve actually been looking for a gold one for a while. I’ll trade you my red one, buy it, or give you a kidney, whatever you prefer.

@ Naoki

I find the Draupnir unintentionally binds sometimes if one’s technique is not perfect. Try doing regular lacerations over and over. If the loop is made too large the yo-yo tends to bind in my experience. It’s kind of cool when you bind it that way intentionally. Still I think I’d do better with the attuned version since my technique is far from perfect. I’ve used regular thickness poly string mostly. Seems odd you’ve never had this happen.

Anyone know about restocks from YYR?

It seems like they have been out of everything for quite some time. I understand production snags; but this is a long time; even for them. They have not made any new Laser’s or Dazzlers; just a few Draupnirs and only one run of the plastics. About the only new product in stock is the looper.

Unless there is a huge backlog somewhere, it seems as if this shortage will go on for some time - not to mention new products. I wish they would work these snags out and give us a regular supply rather than this crap-shoot we have now.

I think they’re waiting for AP :slight_smile:

They told me the following on 6/12

“We now make anodized Draupnir and anodised Laser.
Draupnir will come soon from the factory.”

They wouldn’t give me a specific timetable though. As for the plastics they are available on a variety of Japanese sites.

I was playing with my Triad yesterday and had a thought: a plastic version of the Laser. Plastic body with a metal insert on the faces. That would not be a problem with the patents and I would think it would be a fabulous throw. They have to be doing that soon; right?

As long as I am daydreaming, make the first run purple too. ;D

That would be cool, but I would like it to be blue!

Is there a difference in specs of stargazer v1 and v2?

v2 is 1mm wider and 2g lighter than v1
weight distriution is not exactly the same either, as I suppose v1 is 6061 aluminium (needs to be confirmed though)

Hmm, I think I’ll get a v2 then. Thanks!

I remember reading that V1 was 6061. I am curious; was it the only 6061 YYR released? If not, what others were 6061?

I think the first Stardust was also 6061

Is there a difference between the 2010 and 2013 Overdrive besides the center hub in the 2010? I think the specs are the same right? Weight distribution?