YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

Man, I want a Draupnir, but they’re always out of stock!

In need of new pads for a 2009 Sleipnir I’ll be getting soon.
For the IR pad size, is it 0.4mm thin pads?

I bet that when they re-open; there will be something new. I want to see more like the Draupnir; maybe smaller… with more weight… and purple; not silver.

Footnote for YYR> No more stinking silver! I feel like us “early adopters” are being punished for buying on the release. Too many silver YYR throws in my bag now. How about an initial release in something other than silver please?

Yup, i saw that closed sign and now im checking back every fewe hours to see if they are open because missed out on 1 to many DRAUPNIRs.

It’s just something they do. If you don’t want raw, just wait a few weeks.

Anyone know if there’ll be a lucky box this year?

Wont be happening Jesse. They don’t really have anything left to make lucky boxes since they cleared their old models out.

Doesn’t that other store in Japan also have one?

I believe they do a sale for national yoyo day but not filled with YYR

Ah. Man I need some YYR back in the collection!

But that was my point. I like to get it as soon as it comes out. Why am I punished for my brand-loyalty by having lots of the same color?

This really is not a big deal to me; I wonder if it is for YYR? I mean; is it something they HAVE to do?

I wonder if the first batch that goes out on sale is raw just to skip the ano step and get them out there as soon as possible while the rest are being anodised. Raw throws fits in perfectly with YYR’s performance first mentality and getting a few out there earlier gives people time to rave about them before the anodised ones come out.


Are YYR yoyos really worth the price tag though? Most expensive yoyo I own is the Arctic Circle which is real nice but I don’t think I’d spend 150+ on a single yoyo.

To some, yes. To most, no.

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Do they play really good though? They sure do look pretty, but if I got one I would be really sad if I got a ding.

They play VERY good.

Looks like I’m getting a YYR then. Hopefully I can get one for a bit cheaper on the BST, and I might even be getting an e=mc2. What do you guys recommend for someone’s first YYR? I really like the Stargazer and the Messiah.

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No, they don’t HAVE to do anything, but I guess they want to and it has a sense of routine.

I would definitely recommend a Sleipner, Gleipner, or Draupnir for your first YYR. That is, if you can find one.

Depends what you’re looking for in terms of size and weight.
