Please don’t bump this every couple of hours, or at all for that matter. If someone has an opinion on it I’m sure they will be more than willing to share it.
I am curious, have you played the Quickmate? Not sure what Quickmates means… why plural?
I think the Quickmate is one of the finest yo-yos out there. You cite the exquisite weighting - but say it is not worth $200. I would stack it against anything from TP, YYR, YYJoker at $200.
Everyone has a right to their opinion. It is just that what you are saying is not making sense to me.
If you did not think that the Quickmate was worth $200, why did you get two? If you are using these for 3A - then your comments should be qualified by the fact that you are usiong them for a style of play unintended by the designer.
Your ratings of YoyoJoker over YoyoRecreation is most curious. I wonder whether anyone in Japan would agree with you. YoyoJoker has like one great yoyo whereas YYR has like 5+. YYR is an institution in Japan. YoyoJoker is just a small manufacturer. Your love of the Luminous is also puzzling given that they do not make it anymore. If you want to cite a great yoyoJoker - how about the new Double Joker? Or, is that one you have not thrown?
Additionally, comments like:
"You can REALLY feel the axle system working in the Luminous."
Just do not make sense either. How do you “feel” an axle system working? Working how? It spins? Are you citing the fact that YoyoJoker uses Titanium axles? If so; this is of relatively little importance and is a gimmick at best; a thread-stripper at worst.
I think these comments are mostly confusing to someone trying to get clear information on an unknown brand. Your comments seem tailored to steering this person to a yoyo available on YYE. That is cool. But do not bash another brand to do it.
You got two at a good price? Were they the real deal? “A” grade? I would stack a Quickmate up against a Luminous any day. Not even a contest in my opinion.
OK, you cite the description. But what is this “feel” that you are getting? My YoyoJoker New Double Joker does not cite this feature at all. Is this something that you actually noticed - or just read on YYE? To use this in support of YoyoJoker over YoyoMonster - or any other brand for that matter, is misleading about the qualities of a yoyo that actually matter.
Again, I am happy to agree to disagree, but your comments and “facts” just do not add up to an opinion that makes real sense. I reads like you borrowed things from here and there top support a conclusion you have already arrived at; or simply makes no sense whatsoever. In another post you wrote:
"Never really cared for 7075. It's always felt a little wonky to me. For the most part, anyways."
Again, what does that actually mean? You make a non-sensical statement, in support of a thesis that 7075 is not good. I am happy to listen to reasoned debate (ask Chris Rhodes) but when there are conclusions drawn from thin-air; I just have to pipe up.
I apologize if I am coming across as confrontational. My comments here are only meant to provide information to others that is either accurate or at least well thought out opinion. My comments and questions are only meant to facilitate that not to put anyone or their opinions down.