YoYoJam Presents the New Breed - Eric Koloski Signature



YoYoJam is proud to present a new yo-yo nearing final prototype phase.

Eric Koloski’s new signature series the “New Breed” is a wide and full sized metal rimmed yo-yo with a wide fixed gap, silicone response, and a smooth celcon body.

We are very excited for this new yo-yo at YoYoJam and look forward to getting it out into people’s hand!

Team YoYoJam receives their prototypes next week and we are having a limited prototype release at this weekends Northeast Regional Yo-Yo Contest so don’t miss that one: www.A-Two-Z.com/ZGames09

More info coming soon!!!

Looks cool. :smiley:

Sweet! Can’t wait to try one!

This is what I was waiting for! I want to try out a prototype! Too bad I can’t get one because I can’t go the the regionals. And I live close by too…

So, now I know what I want for my b-day ;D

OOOOOH I want to touch.

Anyone have specs on it?

Apparently its wider than a Pyro. :o

Is this the finished product of the beast project from a while ago ??? ???

The beast wasn’t one yo-yo and was a project code named that - this is not the same yo-yo.

that looks rather nice. does anyone have any idea when it will be out on sale???
i want one

André, do you have an estimate on the weight of this yoyo. Weight is a deciding factor before I buy a yoyo.

I might buy a proto at regionals if I get money together.

My guess would be somewhere between 68-71 grams.

And the Jam raises the bar yet again. Metal-rimmed Celcon throwers. This was almost overdue. :wink:

Let’s hope we see all the old favorites redone this way as well.

Blogged. Can’t wait to try one, can’t wait to review it.

On a side note, I just got an all black worlds X-Con… I have had many other older X-Cons and was kinda “Meh” but this one is uber.

OMG? Celcon with metal rings?!? AND SILI RESPONSE?@?@? THAT IS LIKE GOD ON A STRING!!!

I want this yo-yo I like fell in love with the K-OS!


this looks like the old Beast renamed.
I may have to pick one up with my birthday money.
whats the response?

I’m just speechless…

Now way that is not possable LOL