Which one should i get? Yomega brain lube seems to be more expensive, but im not really sure. Also, if yoyojam lube is better, is thick or thin more recommended? I want to make my yoyo more responsive. Thanks
Yoyojam thin lube helps your bearing last longer, and makes it less responsive. Yoyojam thick lube makes your yoyo more responsive. Yomega brain lube also as well makes your yoyo more responsive. I would prefer the Yoyojam THICK lube for what you stated.
First, you can buy Brain Lube in the hardware store. Look for A clear pen tube of SuperLube PTFE oil. Made by Synco Chemical. Synco packages the same stuff for Yomega as Brain Lube.
Use Brain Lube or Thick lube for more response, but as noted above used in the proper quantity it will not make your yoyo too responsive.