YoYoJam H3X

Greetings. I can’t find much information on the YoYoJam H3X. Anyone have experience with this one? Not sure it’s really meant to be a successor to the Dark Magic II or totally its own thing, but if it is a successor I wouldn’t mind tracking one down.


One of my top five of all time. What are your questions. It is a AL and Ti rim version of the DM2.


As far as I read on the yoyo forums in the past it was meant to be a successor but it is a kind of hard to compare a hybrid to a metal imo. But from my standpoint it has a lot in common. Great player, nice to the touch, fun and powerful at the same time. I think for its age it is still a top player. And not to forget the beautiful machining on this thing.


I think the Trinity is closer to a DM2. Not from YYJ, the Atdesign MONO is a more recent DM based metal.

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I’ve really liked the DM2, Protostar, Addiction, and Radian 2. Not sure how the H3X compares to those but I did like the DM2 for awhile. Based on your comments it does definitely seem worth having though. I was going to buy it when it was first released but I really don’t remember why I didn’t lol. As far as questions, I would be wondering how well it performs grinds, can it do thumb grinds, and how well does it handle tight squeezes such as trying to get through Black Hops?

It’s great seeing just how influential the DM has been! I’ll look into those as well. Thank you for the information.

Anyone have a pic?

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One of the most beautiful throws I’ve ever seen.



It is for modern standards not very wide so good for black hops. Thumb grinds are ok but for the rest not a very good throw for grinds.


Sounds like it’s still overall worth having. I tried a Scintillator and didn’t like it very much due to how wide it was lol. Definitely want to stick to what I was used to a decade ago. I haven’t really been into in a long time. Any of suggestions that might work out pretty well for the specifications I gave you?

You mean new yoyo suggestions?

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Yeah, I use the Protostar mostly but liked the SPYY Addiction and Radian Mk. 2. Of course I really liked the Dark Magic II as well. Those were the throws that seemed to feel the best to me. I wouldn’t mind some suggestions and they don’t necessarily need to be newer throws. I suppose I mostly do like a general style of play. A little bit of everything really!

It’s one of the best yo-yos you don’t have yet…

The silver and pink is a proto… unmarked, etc…

I put the proto between the two production models so you can see the rings are slightly wider on the final model and the shape seems very slightly tweaked.

An outstanding example of the ‘shape’.


Turning Point Palpitation is a great more affordable yoyo that isn’t too wide.

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Yooo that’s a really interesting design. I had not seen it before, and there really arent videos of it in action that I coukd find.

How does it play? Im intrigued by the weifht ring placement. I am guessing that gives it a bit of an “oldschool feel,” whatever that means :laughing:.

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They are all pretty awesome looking. Not sure if the red or black one looks more cool though, but those cats yoyo animals are awesome lol. The ring widtch is definitely noticeable. Do you think they did better making it wider? Also cool how the proto seems to be commanding the rest lol.