
Just because he is world champ doesn’t mean anything. That is his personal preference but he isn’t able to use the index then that normal 1a players do when having the slipknot placed on their middle finger.

Forget 1a, put the slipknot on your index and middle finger and throw moebius.


Zammy, Have you tried it? I did and I can do anything I was able to do when on the middle finger. Strange but it works just fine.

yeah… that was my point. it’s personal preference.
Just do whatever works best for you. He can 1a with the slipknot on his index pretty well, so he does.

Thanks for asking about that, I have tried it and I just find it obscure when it comes to a lot of my tricks. Perhaps there is something that I am not sure of. My apologizes for talking like a douche.

Yeah, he has insanely built all his skill due to that and it comes natural to Tyler, thats straight up craze.


I’ve heard of some people who like it back there but I myself like it where it’s “supposed” to be. It grants me more control and it’s not as painful.

I had this kind of problem, it’s easier for some tricks to put it in the middle, but I have dry hands and the knot slides off my finger

I’m now using a solution that works very well → 5A :smiley:
no more sliding slipknots

well the recommend place for the string placement is on your middle finger between the first and second joint

same here

I think I’ll keep it at the back, I don’t want to go through getting another callous (Which was painful enough the second time!)

for some tricks you’ll wish you have it in the middle, better get used to it now

I started with it as far onto my finger as I could get it. then moved to right behind my middle nuckle. now I run it right in front of the middle knuckle. It doesn’t matter, do what you like.

Like what?