1a Position of Slipknot on Finger

Yo I’ve been experimenting with the position of the slipknot on the finger just for 1a and I’m curious if anyone else wears it low like around the lowest part behind the fingernail?

picture of my hand w slipknot on it

Here are some direct observations I’ve made while trying this.

Easier whips and better control of whips
Easier chopstick stuff with the th
Throw is not effected
Will not slip off unless the string is like brand brand new and that happens to me anyways until they get a little wear.
I need to get used to the feel and relearn some of my tricks because it can effect them
Slightly harder to catch but I got used to this part within like 10 mins

Basically, I think I’m ready to commit to keeping it lower like this and I’m trying to think of any reasons not too. The only negative thing about this I have noticed is that I’m not used to it yet and would need to relearn a couple tricks. The benefits of doing it like this are huge to me though and I think it would be worth it for me to switch and get used to it. Are there any other reasons why I shouldn’t make this change ? Or just what’s everyone’s opinion on this? Has anyone tried it? Does anyone always do this? Thanks!


I keep my slipknot religiously below the first knuckle out of fear of the string slipping off and chucking a yoyo into the wall. I can definitely say that new strings, especially nylon ones are way too slippery to do this with for me atleast.


I definitely wouldn’t do this if I was using nylons because those can be slippy anyways but it’s felt secure over the few days I’ve been trying it.

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I’ve always kept my knot where my finger is connected to my hand. I’ve seen some posts saying to not do that but it’s been working for me for years.


it will not stay on the tip of my finger, i keep it behind that knuckle, usually mid-middle. and I have to double loop to keep it in place or it slips off… maybe i need stickier fingers, lol.


I don’t mess with the position, I just keep it on my middle finger middle knuckle.

Markmont has preached about having the slipknot on his ring finger, and Tyler Severance uses his index finger. I’ve tried out both of those and I’m not a fan. Index finger is wack, but ring finger makes some more sense even though I don’t like it. The idea is it opens up more space on your hands/fingers for mounts.

Mark Mangarin plays with his string at the base of his middle finger. There’s def not a right or wrong way to position your string. But if you’re trying to just learn other peoples tricks instead of just totally doing your own thing, in your own style, then breaking the mold will probably just be awkward.


Same I got big ol’ slow hands. If I put it at the end of my finger I’m gonna hurt said finger. Keeping if more toward my second knuckle means I’m more likely to hit the fatty part of my hand on a mistake and not get injured.


I haven’t thought about ring finger but that makes sense sort of like doing the tip of the finger does open up space kind of how docpop always shows by grabbing with the fingers to open up space but you don’t need to actually grab it like this to open up the space idk just have been experimenting and liking it so far and I’m not too deep into Yoyo that I can’t change yet

This might be unpopular, I prefer mine pretty dang low, almost all the way down my finger. Having it above my knuckle(s) feels weird and makes me feel like it’s gonna fly off lol


Maybe lol! I got really clammy hands and always be sweating when I play Yoyo. Dunno how it would work w gloves on and I think I’m a little too scared to try

The index finger is so awkward lol idk why it just throws my whole game off


Just thinking about throwing a yoyo with the slipknot in that position is making me feel anxious and queasy.


I’ve always done the middle of my middle finger between the two knuckles. I have the indent to prove it. Sometimes I go a little higher towards the tip in order to widen the string gap a bit, but I’m still not used to it and it feels weird if the string isn’t in the indent now. Everybody seems to to have their own way and I think that’s fine if it’s what’s comfortable for you.


This is why I will never shift from middle finger middle knuckle. You can see from my yoyo callus on my index that this is just where the string wants to be on my index. If i’m doing a rail combo, or even just for a lot of generic elements, I can just keep my index/middle finger together as a single unit and everything stays in line. If I want more space for mounts I can just use any combination of middle/ring/pinky to pull the string back.


Oh man, that post made me feel so much better. When I was a kid (20 years ago) I kept it at the base of middle finger, there was no youtube back then, then I re-learned recently to keep it on the 2nd knuckle but it kinda hurts my finger whenever yoyo comes back in full force (and I throw hard, I forget to differentiate). Learning that so many people (including Mark Mangarin!) use the base of the middle finger makes me rethink my strategy.

Thanks for starting that discussion!

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Way way harder to catch like that I think…Tyler was prolly super young when he started and was so good anyway like it didn’t matter and people couldn’t tell him it was wrong because there is no wrong or right and it was obviously working lol but yeah I agree so awkward!

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He has a podcast and I’m sure he’s talked about it at some point!

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that photo gives me anxiety lol


Yeah idk it like doesn’t really seem to have that much effect except for whips and I’m in a hard whip phase right now idk it never feels like it’s going to come off I throw super hard usually also unless it’s like learning tutorials time

Edit—Eh nah it’s uncomfortable w some yo-yos like it depends on the string too much and I can keep it normal like back in a normal position w all of them so I’ll just do that. also it doesn’t even effect all my whips either most of them I control w the index anyways it’s just a couple that come from that finger.

The knot SHALL always go around the metacarpel nearest my hand

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