YoYoFactory's MVP

To relieve the situation…

Lol can we all just get along and be friends…

Wusah…Wusah…wusha…inhale exhale…

Phew that was better (wipes forehead) lol

Just as a note, the title is still messed up :smiley:


Been reading here for awhile but your registration date is yesterday? You signed up for an account just to jump into the flame war?

Somehow I doubt it…

Who’s sockpuppet are you? :wink:

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Welcome to YYE. Also, I already don’t like you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow so straight forward samad…lol


I hate love you too.

But seriously, you’re awesome. ;D

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thanks, your awesome too…;D

Wouldn’t surprise me if the MVP will be as unforgiving for one’s throw as the C13 was… is. lol. Looks pretty nice though, probably not my first choice but i can appreciate its design and the ideas behind it. :slight_smile:

It looks like the MVP is in the premium line-up as far as price goes. That kind of surprises me.

they said it was going to be in the premium line and that equals premium price

Yeah, I guess I missed that in the ocean of threads and updates.

I’m not really impressed with what YYFs been coming out with recently. The stuff I’ve played has been awesome, but I wish there was a little more variety.

There are 4 versions of the PGM

Frantic, C22, C13, MVP are very similar

GM2, Genesis are very similar

They are all great throws, but I want something new.

I said the same thing, and Ben replied:

And after I gave it a long hard think, I started comparing the yo-yo industry to something else to see how it stacks up.

Take the automotive industry for instance. The Honda Civic has been around for a long time, and has been a very successful car for them. It has had a few face lifts in its time, but for 4 years or so at a time it has the same general look and fills the same role.

If you look back at yo-yos and apply the same train of thought you might come to the same conclusion I did. YYF’s line-up consists of many different yo-yos to fit different roles. Even when they release yo-yos that are similar they do so in different price points, or as an evolution of the model that came before it. They tailor to our industry.

Let’s look at the Catch-22. Super-expensive yo-yo that many people liked and asked for in an affordable package. The first answer was the fundaMETAL: the YYF Frantic. Similar shape, but a fraction of the price. It was loved and hated but no one could deny that it was a good value.

Enter the C13. It solved most common complaint of the Frantic by adding much more rim weight to the design and even added an option for hubstacks. It was a little more expensive, but it seemed to be widely accepted as the affordable C22 replica the fans wanted.

Now there’s the MVP. To me (a newer yo-yoer) it looks like a carbon copy of the C22. I haven’t taken time and compared specs, but they gave the people what they wanted. At this point we have 4 variations of “the same yo-yo”, and that was one of the things that bothered me.

After I thought about it, it made a lot more sense.

YYF Frantic, about $60
YYF C13, about $80
YYF MVP, about $115
YYF C22, about $450

They weren’t just putting out yo-yos to make some money…they ARE putting out yo-yos for the masses. All similar playing yo-yos but one for each price-point making it available to more people. Brilliant.

All of the new releases have a purpose. They are here to fill a role. It’s true that some are very similar in design, but upon closer inspection I see that they are released under different intents. The YYF Lunatic for instance was called a SEVERE with a Genesis 135 inner rim. What we forgot to pay attention too was the fact that it’s a fundaMETAL. It’s there to fill the gap for people who just don’t want to or can’t spend $80+ on a yo-yo.

Let’s take one more walk back to the car industry. Let’s look at the Honda Civic again. Remember when I said that it evolved? So do the YYF yo-yos. Yes, they’re similar. And that’s because they are ‘improved’ versions of their predecessors.

I take back what I said. Do I want new and crazy designs? YES, OF COURSE! But I think that YYF has found a great pace to work at, and they are always testing new designs.

Yay for a rant!


And it is for this I say:


as long as they arent testing them on us :P. It does look like a cool throw but I dont think i will get one…

And this is why you are my favorite eXpert (along with Jayyo, just because he’s cool). ;D

i have used one they are awesome

I kinda agree with JM. True, YYF can come up with a new shape, like when the C22 first came out, but there is an excuse/reason for the C22, C13, MVP, and Frantic to come out. If you look at it carefully, C13 and Frantic are the cheaper versions of the C22. C13 was just a bit more improved. And MVP is actually pretty different from the rest, it has way thicker rims, and more of an H. Anyways, I do appreciate the fact that these slightly tweaked yoyos are coming out, since they suit more individual needs. So it’s easier to find your “perfect” yoyo.