YoyoFactory's Dream Titanium Released July 17th!

I got a blue #13.
I agree that it has a very solid feel, especially for a pretty light yoyo. It’s also quite stable, and verrry nimble and fast… a somewhat different feel than any of my other yoyos - very nice.

Anyone mind sharing there thoughts on the Aluminum Dream. Looks spiffy…


The Al Dream is pretty good… It’s zippy, and somewhat stable. Not particularly powerful or long-spinning (compared to some of the powerhouses on my yoyo shelf), but still fun to play. And I love the Ironman colorway!

Yeah I really like the way it looks. Reminds me of a CZM8 in terms of play from what I can remember of it.

I think the AL Dream will end up being a lot of people’s favorite yo-yo. It is a very close second to the titanium, which plays amazing. I think a few people out there will like it better than the titanium. AL Dream reminded me of the same feel as when I threw the Cypher. It’s got that float that people love these days, but enough of that nice presence on the string at the same time, for those who like the solid feel. Like Cypher, it’s the best of both worlds kind of thing in the feel department. It really surprised me.

The plastic or “Big” Dream is in it’s own lane. It’s a big oversized, yet light, “different” feel in your hand kind of yo-yo. I can’t think of anything quite like it that I have in my collection. That’s just a first impression, because I started throwing that one last.

The titanium has the weight dialed in just right. It’s the kind of weight that catches up to you after you’ve played it awhile. When I first threw it, I was thinking I’d add a bit more weight, but after playing it awhile, I realized it turned into a beast. :smiley: That’s the first time I’ve had that happen. It’s definitely solid on the string the way I like them. It has surpassed my former favorite full sized titanium, the Oxy 9.06.

I rank them:

  1. Titanium (it has that long spinning power and solid feel on the string that I love)
  2. Aluminum (nice feel, some float, and smooth too, a close second)
  3. Plastic (neither oversized or light are my preferences, but it’s different and nice in it’s own right)

https://c4.staticflickr.com/4/3859/19044467159_f00be495ee_z.jpgDreamRelatedYoyos by Total Artist, on Flickr

https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/495/18608088524_3e46ee427a_z.jpgDreamFamily by Total Artist, on Flickr

ta can we get a pic of the two al dreams in the ironman setup.

I’m going to do it just for you, because I hate to turn down a photo request. I’ll be back! :slight_smile:


I’d only swap halves for you Alecto :D:

https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/355/19046440920_46b396b368_z.jpgIronman7 by Total Artist, on Flickr

https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/424/19237821621_0af2bddd5c_z.jpgIronman3 by Total Artist, on Flickr

https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/289/19237824951_0a7d8cdb82_z.jpgIronman2 by Total Artist, on Flickr

I have brushed Dream Titanium #65, it is a beast of a throw. I haven’t yet unboxed the aluminium dream, as that will be going to one of my daughters. The plastic Big Dream is a fun throw, I have been considering an inexpensive plastic to carry around as a beater (something that I won’t cringe when it smacks the concrete or pavement), and I think this will fill that void nicely. It isn’t the most stable or long spinning yoyo, but, over the past few days, it has helped me clean up Magic Trick quite a bit. I like it for that, it gently reminds me to work on keeping the strings off the response and keeping the strings from knocking it off plane.

The Dream Titanium seems to spin forever, and it is very stable. I’m not sure how to describe it, but it feels both solid and floaty.

Big thanks to Ben, Cory and all at YYF who came up with this idea, and kept piling on extra incentives as their original goals were exceeded.

This is really cool more yoyos should be sold like this hulk green and blue.

Superman blue and red.

Batman uuuummm black and grey I think.

Spiderman blue and black.

^^^ You need to go back and study your super hero colors before you try to state them! ::slight_smile:

Spiderman = blue and black??? :smiley:

Blue AND WHITE, sillies (thought there was black, too, but mebbe my brain isn’t braining):

Yes okay spiderman went totally wrong. Lol. I don’t know what came to my mind.

But superman is right. Batman is right and hulk also.

I don’t know how to embed these so here are the links.

Hulk is traditionally green and purple, not blue. Like in the very image you shared. :wink:

Yes actually but sometimes it’s blue most times its purple so some shade that’s blue and purple between.

Well…you got 1 out of the 3 correct…I’d love to see you do a paint by numbers picture.

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What do you mean by that I don’t understand?

It’s no surprise that when you get a “Hulk Smash” colourway yoyo, you get green and purple! Not green and blue. :slight_smile:

Gotta say, I played a friend’s Ti Dream yesterday, and that has to be the best playing yoyo I’ve ever used, hands down. Not saying it ruined other yoyos for me, but the Dream absolutely kills