YoyoFactory's Dream Titanium Released July 17th!

And it would have to be made from liquid metal ;D

That engraving looks sweet, just how I imagined it would be. But, mine with #4 instead. I can’t wait!

Really glad I’m getting one of each, hopefully.

Are you guys going to keep it displayed on the shelf or are you guys going to play with it? I am planning on keeping mine in the package and on the shelf. I’ll be playing with the Aluminum varient.

On the shelf?!? I’m going to play with it!

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Absolutely playing with both. My blue one will stay over carpet, but my raw will be sparked and played anywhere and everywhere. Doesn’t make sense to me to buy any throw as a shelf piece, playing over carpet makes it easy to keep mint.

That would be insane. Since this is a YYF release, there is almost no chance that this yo-yo will increase in price over time. There are just too many of them and YYF does not carry the cachet that other less-available brands have.

The BEST part of a titanium yo-yo is the unparalleled speed and agility that titanium brings to the table. How that can be appreciated on a shelf is lost on me. Take it out; play with it.

… If you are pulling my leg, consider it pulled :slight_smile:


I bought three, so I’ll be having the best of both worlds. I don’t see anything wrong either way (play/display). You all know my point of view by now. If you pay for something, definitely do whatever you want with it. It’s yours to enjoy it the way you want.

Pathetic. Serious.

LeDave, it’s your purchase, do whatever you want with it.

That being said, titanium will make the aluminum feel obsolete. I played an old Ti, and it was fantastic. One day, I’m hoping a TiWalker makes it’s way into my collection, and it will be played. Titanium doesn’t damage easily.

Enjoy it however you will.

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I will absolutely play it. It may become a daily carry if I like how it plays. I can think of no compelling reason to put it on a shelf-- the aesthetic beauty of some yoyos is clear, but there’s no yoyo that’s THAT beautiful that it is best enjoyed just looking at it… as with almost every yoyo out there, this one was designed to be played (Ben thought, “Dangit, I want a full-sized titanium to play!”), it’s priced to be played, and it’s specced to be played. To enjoy the full beauty of this yoyo will be to play it.

Naturally you don’t “have” to do what a creator expects. But when an artist creates a painting and puts it up for sale, they are hoping that someone wants to look at it-- its purpose is to be looked at. Ben and YYF created this yoyo and put it up for sale, hoping that people want to play it-- its purpose is to be played.

Of course people can do whatever they want. That really goes without saying. But in my opinion to not take advantage of the “functional” aspect of this functional art is a shame.

Alright, I’ll be getting there around an hour, so I’ll report back on the plastic dream then!

I totally agree. No matter what this yo-yo was made for (play/display), above all, in this context, it was meant to be purchased. So, in the end, as long as you bought one, you supported the project, and you will enjoy it how you see fit, it doesn’t matter. It makes no sense to me to even care what someone does with what they paid for. I’ll never get it.

Alright, I tried out the prototype of the big dream at bac today… As can be seen in their Facebook picture, it had to be slightly bigger than the others in order to efficiently distribute the weight. Overall, it played great. Pretty stable for a plastic and comfortable in the hand. I would’ve wrote a more in depth review, but I only played it for about 20 seconds since I wanted to watch prelims.

Yupyup… I think people “get” this. Which is why it goes without saying.

But a question was asked (will you play it?)… and typically in a community filled with conversation, the expectation isn’t simply a “yes/no” answer, but the person’s opinion on why it’s a yes or no. Nobody is asking anybody else to “get” it. I don’t “get” why people would buy a yoyo and not play it, but that doesn’t preclude the statement quoted above.

I’m going to quote myself here too. If you can have an opinion about what someone else does with their stuff, I can have an opinion of your opinion too. That’s part of the conversation. And then you can have an opinion about my opinion of your opinion, and then I can have an opinion about that too. We can keep going in circles to say the same thing, or move on.

Well, I appreciate you coming in to let us know even that much. It sounds like another solid YYF plastic, so I can’t wait to give it a try. Whatever they end up officially naming it, it’s something else to look forward to this year.

YYF photo from Faceboook:


About 2 weeks left to meet the shipping date they set… Anybody heard anything? :-\

Here’s a Facebook quote from Ben today,

Photo from Ben today,



Cool…thanks for the update! :slight_smile: