Yoyofactory Copying The Others?

I simply want to first state that I have been very close to YYF in my throwing career. They have started me up with the FAST 201 and it has built me up. This company has been known for creating innovative designs that have changed the course of yoyoing history but lately there newest releases seem to be upsetting almost…
Take there 2 latest Bi-metals, the Nightmare and 2016 Superstar.
In terms of spec value the Nightmare seems to resemble the Axis Pulsefire and the Superstar 2016 resembles the Recess Weekend.
It came to my attention when throwing my Superstar. Just look at it! The Classic Superstar had an original shape that was a huge base for many H-Shape yoyos. Then came the 2013 Superstar that took all the attributes of that yoyo and made it better for modern day play now featuring low wall, better rim weight, etc.
Then in 2016 it comes back, but what!?! No actually WHAT!?! The thing looks nothing like the originals but rather as a copy?
Am I the only one that was upset by this?
Really guys, check the profiles. It is absolutely ridiculous!  >:(
I bought 2 2016 Superstars but now I do not want to touch them… It is just sad…
I want to hear your opinions!

UPDATE: Check this out

The shapes are very similar and the widths are identical!

What are you talking about?


Umm… Was I unclear about a specific part?

There are TON of throws out there, some will resemble others.

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I agree but come on… The Weekend and 2016 Superstars are a joke. Just look at the both of them! The profiles are legit identical!

To me, Nightmare looks like a bimetal version of Dream Titanium, another YoyoFactory yo-yo. I think the point of it was to make a bi-metal version of Dream design. I think the gap of Superstar and Weekend look similar, but the cup looks different and the specs are different. That means that it plays entirely different too. So, even if they look similar from one angle, they are entirely different when viewed from other angles and play-wise.

I think that looking at the gap of the yo-yo, you will find lots of yo-yos that look similar, but despite that, there is so much more to the yo-yo design than the gap shape that makes it a whole new design.

I think the more yo-yos that are made, you are going to find more of them that “look” similar. If you focus on the differences, and not the similarities, you might discover that it is not even close to a copy, but a whole new yo-yo design. I think the industry has set enough of a standard of practice, about what is acceptable in this regard, so in this case, I see two different yo-yos.

Actually, I see other companies copying YoyoFactory, not just in design, but other business decisions as well. But, sometimes what we call copying is just the nature of competition, and as long as it’s done in the realm of what has traditionally been acceptable, there is no problem there.

First off… WOOOHOOO The TotalArtist has recognized my existence!!!
Anyways I have been bested… I have not actually got to try the Weekend, Pulsefire or Nightmare so I cannot say much…
Thanks for changing my view on YYF again! I will definitely use my Superstar up again!
But that is not the end, I still want to here more perspectives ;D!

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Thanks. :wink:

I used to feel the same way you did when looking at yo-yo profiles, but it takes some time for all these similarities to disappear and to zero in on the differences, to actually see how they would play different.

Also, consider that you never know who had the design idea first. The one who puts theirs out for production, may not have been the first one with the idea. If I have an idea that’s been sitting, and you kinda happened to see it (or coincidentally come up with the same idea) and then put yours out first, who gets credit for the idea? I’m not saying that’s what happened in these instances, just want people to consider some possibilities.

Thanks for sharing, and it’s nice hear you’re still loving YYF. :wink:

For the record the nightmare and pulsefire play WAY differant .

I have all 4 of those weekends and superstar X. and nightmare and pulsefire.
Weekend and superstar X are lots different. When you see pics they look identical but when you hold them originally in their hands they are different. Their cups are different too. They play different too.
Superstar X is more solid while weekend is lighter and floatier comparably.

Nightmare has stainless steel rims wrapped around the rim all over while pulse fire just has them over them. Again play very different. Their weight is different too. Pulsefire is narrow and nightmare is more wide and solid.

Another big factor. Weekend and pulsefire are 7075 and while superstar X and nightmare are 6061. This is more then a major difference.

All 4s cups are different too.

I can show you 10 bimetal yoyos that look same from different comoanies but play really different.

I have all 4 if you have any other questions you can ask.

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If this bothers you, just take a look at the YYO brave and the YYF Shutter and do a comparison.

Brave and shutter aren’t even identical unless if you have bad eyesight and you are not wearing glasses lol.

its been said a million times but yoyos are just going to look similar, it happens.
The bi-metal superstar is pretty much a 50-60 dollar yoyo too which the weekend definitely is not. Thats a big difference to me, besides the point of shape!
I don’t get the frustration honestly, the superstar 16 is a really good yoyo. The superstar by no means was the basis for h-shape yoyos, but it was a total champion play wise. To me the superstar 16 embodies the same characteristics as the original superstar- take the current trends in the most popular yoyo’s and put them together into a performance piece.

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You have clearly never seen a Brave.

I have the cup is different and shape is harder then shutter.

The Nightmare is part of the entire “Dream” series. If you compare the Titanium Dream, Aluminum Dream, Daydream, and Nightmare, they are all pretty much the same shape, with design allowances made for the materials they are made from.

Yoyofactory has not stolen anyone’s designs. If you take a look at what is popular right now there are alot of yoyos with the shapes of the 2016 superstar and the Nightmare. To just up and say that they stole designs from people is a much larger accusation then i think you realize. Your not just stating an opinion your attacking the creative genius of the designers for Yoyofactory.

However the weekend and the Superstar do look close to the same, but if you have played both you realize that underneath the hood these two yoyos are way different beasts. They may look alike, but they are not copies of the other. They just happen to use a very popular design.

The Nightmare and the Pulsefire as has been said before have a much different cup design. Having worked on designing yoyos before, a difference of millimeters in the cup zone can change the play of a yoyo drastically. Thus these can look the same but i think if you were to open the cad files you would see how different these yoyos are in reality.

All four of these yoyos have a similiar and popular design, but if you play all four of them together you will realize that all of these play worlds different from each other.

I’m just going to use this as an opportunity to give a shoutout to the 2016 Superstar. Absolutely sensational yoyo, and easily one of my most-played since I bought it.

Getting it for $50 was the steal of the century. ;D


Weight distribution is a thing. Yoyos with similar specs can play entirely different. Nightmare is fast and less solid than the pulsefire. If anything, the weekend plays most like the space cowboy because just maybe that’s the type of yoyo that fits Tyler’s style? Don’t make blind accusations, all it does is great unnecessary drama about companies that put a ridiculous amount of effort and money into making sure you have the best experience possible.

I just looked at the Nightmare and Pulsefire, and they do not look alike other than the fact that they are v-shaped. The Nightmare is much steeper.