Yoyofactory 44 Review ;)

Sitting in the dark corner , waiting for a package to arrive . It was a hot sunny day and the birds were tweeting and the sky was blue . Suddenly , the door bell rings . I Get up and look outside , Postlaju . Thats right , the delivery man. I run outside happily and sign the package . Opening my package slowly as i am scared to damage my precious yoyo :wink: . 100 Bright yellow strings and- HEY … BUBBLE WRAP!

Alright , so I just got my 44 by Yoyofactory . I am so happy , and broke . Heh

First Impressions
Green/White acid wash … BRILLIANT
The shape is great for Grinding
Very Sexy
Butterfly Shape

Weight 66.4g
Width 41.3mm
Diameter 50.4mm
Gap Width 4.70mm
Stock Response System : Central Bearing Co Slim Pad
Bearing Size : Large (Size C) Spec Bearing

First Throw
So . I Was excited about this yoyo and well my first throw was pretty bad. So I Threw it again and well i have to say it is damn smooth . The spin time was about 4 minutes and i can finger grind with it for 11 seconds :). This is a great undersized yoyo . It has the stability of a genesis and a size of a … well im not sure but yeah

Compared to my PGM . Its ALMOST the same .

This thing is great for grinding . It doesnt die so fast , You have to pull the weight around . IF you dont , this thing will just die on you.



This is not a yoyo for beginners . Just saying .

A GREAT YOYO for 85 DOLLARS! :smiley: GET IT!!!

I got the 44 special, love it


Try it yourself.

I have both a 44 and a Genesis and there is no way that the 44 is as stable as a Genesis…

Like no way.

i just got my 44 for blackfriday cuple weeks ago for 45$ ;D

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I Must be doing something wrong but 44 IS. Stable