YoYoExpert's 1st ever 5A Video Tournament!

Wow, I was too.

Can’t wait. This will be awesome.

My video is done, but imnot sure if i should upload it or redo it since i have more time.

Why would you redo it?

Because i want to…

If they both advance to Round 2, then you could see it happen!

My vids ready! :smiley:

sounds like a bribe…
If I advanced to the next round you can see Gon-yo vs yoyoguy1994

No, it’s not a bribe. It’s just a possibility. Gon-yo VS Yoyoguy1994 is also a possibility. We’ll just have to wait and see! :wink:

signing up for beginner =D

WAIT!!!If we win the first round, do we have to make a whole new video with the same rules for round 2? I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that. Maybe you could change the rules to do something weird.

Battle list edited, Legodudester VS J4dude.

its go time

I lost already
wow juan
guess what
I am going down to the ground unless it is a 2a,3a,4a,1a battle
then you are going down
hehe ;D

hopefully I can post mine at friday night,saturday, or sunday

Dacklink, if you beat the odds, I’ll give you a cookie! :smiley:

Nobody answered my question.

I think

No we don’t have to make a whole new video? Or were you talking about something else?

You will have to make another video, but the rules might not be the same. MadDog and I will decide them when the time comes.