YoYoExpert's 1st ever 5A Video Tournament!

What’ll the videos be called? I can’t do 5A but I’d enjoy watching the videos…

I’ll just gonna be quiet in this thread…

Happy Throwing! =]

I would like to enter a beginner slot please

Never mind, I withdraw. I can’t yo-yo much for the next few days, so I can’t send in any videos. :frowning:

my combo’s are almost completed…

Oh no, I’m getting pretty scared. We’ve got some good players in beginner…

Could this video count as an entry?

I have 1 combo done…I’m still working on the other 2…

Sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t accept that. It exceeds 3 combos, and is well over 1 minute.

begginer please =)

Did not think I could use it :-\

Due today?

No, I believe today is the deadline for signing up.


But if there are three people that want to join the beginners division, I’ll let them in to make it 16 people. Every other multiple of 4 make for the smoothest tournaments, but this probably won’t happen. The advanced section is officially locked.

Okay, I’m going to draw names out of a hat to randomly pair people up. The results will be in my next post. (If I need to combine them, tell me and I will.)

Okay! The results are in! I’ve randomly drawn peoples names out of a hat to pair them up.

In the Beginner’s division, since there was an odd number of people, one lucky person will sit out on the first round, and move to the second. That person will be marked with an asterisk (*).

Here we go,

  • Davideyo VS GMuser!

  • Abe VS Samad!

  • Mark26 VS Yoyocrazygoofy!

  • Knobblemoki1 VS Lacko!

  • Rich-e VS Mongoriller!

  • Dv888 VS DYonch!

  • Legodudester VS J4dude!

  • Yoyoingmonkey*

Now, for what we’ve all been waiting for…


  • Jayyo VS Gon-Yo!

  • Dacklink VS Yoyoguy1994!

The battles will take place in order that they were chosen. The winner moves on. I will PM the first people up. If the time doesn’t work for you, we can work something out. If you fail to respond to your PM in 5 days, (Unless it’s a good excuse) you will be disqualified. Best of luck to you all! :slight_smile:

Sweet!!! I was hoping Jayyo vs yoyoguy1994. But oh well. This is gonna be really good. ;D ;D


Yes im so siked for this ;D ;D Me and Samad woo!!!

Alright, I got all three combos down. I’m so excited for this!

Has anyone posted videos yet?