Iron and were talking and we decided that it would be good to start a 5A battle due to the fact that there seem to be a lack of 5a vids around here. Anyone interested just post and say if you are interested. If we recieve enough interest, then we will start a chain of battles. Remember this is just for fun.
Maybe, but I just started 5A so it won’t be pretty.
haha, we could set up different divisions for begginers and advanced
Come on people! This’ll be fun!
That sounds good.
Hey, you actually started it, good job. I would enter if i was better at 5a =p.
How good do you need to be if you want to participate?
We’re having Beginner and Advanced divisions. So skill doesn’t really matter. If you don’t know which one to enter, please feel free to PM MadDog or me a short video of your 5A and we’ll tell you where you’ll be best.
Maybe. Probably after the PYVC, cause I’m focusing on 1a right now. However, I have noticed that I’ve been doing 5a a lot more lately. In fact, I was just doing 5a
I’m in for beginner.
Huzzah! We got two people so far!
Come on, I know there are more of you out there throw 5A.
i would but i can only do 1 trick that i made up ;D
I could make a quick 5A vid for this.
Count me in!
With my skillz…I am interested in watching the videos.
I guess i’ll be in but beginner, im not the best at 5A l0l.
What is the minimum number of tricks that you need to do and is there a minimum or maximum time the video has to be?

What is the minimum number of tricks that you need to do and is there a minimum or maximum time the video has to be?
We were just trying to see if anyone was interested. When we get a few more people, iRon or I will post a link with all the rules.
I am interested.
I am having some problems with frame drops when captuiring though. if I can’t get this fixed will you still accept it?

I am interested.
I am having some problems with frame drops when capturing though. if I can’t get this fixed will you still accept it?
I would be interested. Is it ok if i upload it from Or do i have to use youtube or vimeo?

I would be interested.
Is it ok if i upload it from Or do i have to use youtube or vimeo?
It doesn’t really matter, upload it wherever.