YoYoExpert - Official Contest - #1


Fix “Theres different variations” to There are different variations.

There are different variations; you’ll notice I hooked it in between my thumb.


Change ones to one is

That’s when you take your other hand and place it kind of a switch move as this one is coming out you twist your thumb this way and bring this thumb into here like that.


its is possessive. Changed it from it’s to its

and by pulling the yo-yo will change its axis


Added e to th to form the word the

That’s one of the really important things to UFO and one of the reasons people get frustrated with it.


Added r to you to make your.

when you whip you want your hand to look like this.

Original: So, we’re going to talk about off string play.
Correction: So, we’re going to talk to you about Offstring play.

Original: I wanted to actually show you what it looks like first.
Correction: I wanted to actually show you what it looked like first.

Original: So, what’s an off string yoyo?
Correction: So, what’s an Offstring yo-yo?

Original: As we mentioned before, it’s not connected to the string to throw it you actually wrap it right around the axle like so.
Correction: As we mentioned before, it’s not connected to the string. To throw it you actually wrap it right around the axle like so.

Original: I’m going to show how to do that, a little more elaborately in a minute.
Correction: I’m going to show how to do that a little more elaborately in a minute.

Original: It’s just sitting on a string like so.
Correction: It’s just sitting on the string like so.

Original: I can still spin it around like you were doing other tricks, but there is definitely a lot more you can do with it, because of that, so. Once again, you can actually throw it up and whip it into the air.
Correction: I can still spin it around like you were doing other tricks, but there is definitely a lot more you can do with it, because of that. So, once again, you can actually throw it up and whip it into the air.

Original: There are lots of different tricks they’re doing over the legs, over the arms.
Correction: There’s lots of different tricks they’re doing over the legs, over the arms.

Original: That’s the basics of off string and then you can still get it back to your hand.
Correction: That’s the basics of Offstring and then you can still get it back to your hand.

Original: A lot of people relate this to be something called diablo, which looks like a really big yoyo, two sticks and a string that people throw up into the air. I don’t know–whatnot.
Correction: A lot of people relate this to something called Diabolo, which looks like a really big yo-yo, two sticks, and a string that people throw up into the air and whatnot.

Original: So, it kinda developed off of that.
Correction: So, it kinda developed off that.

Original: There are a lot of tricks that are similar, but in the past three to four years, off string has taken off, and there are tricks you just wouldn’t believe.
Correction: There’s a lot of tricks that are similar, but in the past three to four years, Offstring has taken off, and there’s tricks you just wouldn’t believe.

Original: Alright, we’re on the last trick of the expert level, this is double suicide.
Correction: Alright, we’re on the last trick of the expert level. This is Double Suicide.

Original: But it’s funny, it’s one of those tricks that you may not get every time, even I won’t hit it every time but I like, so I threw it in here.
Correction: But it’s funny, it’s one of those tricks that you may not get every time, even I won’t hit it every time, but I like it, so I threw it in here.

Original: Make sure you can do suicide first, go watch that suicide video, we’re throwing that loop over and catching that loop that’s created, make sure you can at least do that a couple of times.
Correction: Make sure you can do Suicide first. Go watch that Suicide video. We were throwing that loop over and catching that loop that’s created. Make sure you can at least do that a couple times.

Original: Double suicide, what you’re actually doing is hitting the yo-yo on the string, you’re creating an extra loop to fly around kind of.
Correction: Double suicide. What you’re actually doing is hitting the yo-yo on the string. You’re creating an extra loop to fly around kind of.

Original: Looks like this as it hits this and it comes over you’re creating a loop, but it comes around twice, it shoots around really fast which requires you to catch it really fast.
Correction: Looks like this. As it hits this and it comes over, you’re creating a loop, but it comes around twice. It shoots around really fast, which requires you to catch it really fast.

Original: So, watch now as I hit, you’ll see the loop come around, it’s coming around really fast and it shoots around, you’ll catch it just like that.
Correction: So, watch now as I hit, you’ll see the loop coming around. That’s coming around really fast and it shoots around. You’ll catch it just like that.

Original: As I come around I hit this string with my pointer finger, I’ll push down on that and that pops the yo-yo up into the air a little more creating that loop which it shoots right around.
Correction: As I come around and hit this string with my pointer finger, I’ll push down on it and that pops the yo-yo up into the air a little more, creating that loop which just shoots right around.

Original: It’s really hard, like I said even I have a hard time hitting it. Sometimes practice, it’s just a double on like that, it comes around twice and you catch it with your fingers just like so.
Correction: It’s really hard, like I said even I have a hard time hitting it sometimes. Practice. It’s just a double on like that. It comes around twice and you catch it with your finger just like so.

Original: That’s double suicide.
Correction: That’s Double Suicide.

Original: If you ever get into the world of yo-yoing and you meet other yo-yo players and stuff like this, it can be confusing what the trick is because a lot of people misinterpret it and what not.
Correction: If you ever get into the world of yo-yoing and you meet other yo-yo players and stuff like this, it can be confusing what the trick is because a lot of people misinterpret it and whatnot.

Original: Your taking the string with your hand and whipping it into the gap and in midair a loop forms that you put your finger into.
Correction: You’re taking the string with your hand and whipping it into the gap. And in midair, a loop forms that you put your finger into.

Original: See that loop that is created there, that is the loop that you want to hit.
Correction: See that loop that is created there? That is the loop that you want to hit.

Original: It’s a cool looking trick it kind of looks magical the way the loop forms.
Correction: It’s a cool looking trick. It kind of looks magical the way the loop forms.

Original: That’s going to create that loop and that’s what eventually what you stick your finger into when you?re learning the trick.
Correction: That’s going to create that loop and that’s what eventually you stick your finger into when you’re learning the trick.

Original: The more motion you make this way, the larger the loop is going be because you will have more string hitting into the gap.
Correction: The more motion you make this way, the larger the loop is going to be because you will have more string hitting into the gap.

Original: If you string is too tight your loop is going to come out and it’s going to be too small to hit.
Correction: If you string is too tight, your loop is going to come out and it’s going to be too small to hit.

Original: My strings actually a little bit too tight right now, my loops aren’t forming perfectly.
Correction: My string’s actually a little bit too tight right now. My loops aren’t forming perfectly.

Original: Practice that, it’s a good trick, it’s cool looking.
Correction: Practice that. It’s a good trick. It’s cool looking.

Original: If you throw it to the left it’s going to loosen your string.
Correction: If you throw it to the left, it’s going to loosen your string.

Original: UFO is actually a really good way to fix that.
Correction: And UFO is actually a really good way to fix that.

Original: Let me show you real quick what it looks like.
Corrrection: So, let me show you real quick what it looks like.

Original: It shoots around like so, you brag the string, and you toss it up to your hand.
Correction: It shoots around like so, you grab the string, and you toss it up to your hand.

Original: That was to the right and this one is to the left.
Correction: So that was to the right and this one is to the left.

Original: When I throw is to the right, you’ll notice if I hold it there for a while, that string is being tightened around the yo-yo. You’ll see I’ve got this is what we call spaghetti string.
Correction: When I throw it to the right, you’ll notice if I hold it there for a while, that string is being tightened around the yo-yo and you’ll see I’ve got-this is what we call spaghetti string.

Original: To get out of it, I’ll see if my yo-yo doesn’t get knots. Do a UFO to the left.
Correction: And to get out of it-I’ll see if my yo-yo doesn’t get knots-do a UFO to the left.

Original: This is actually loosening the string up.
Correction: And this is actually loosening the string.

Original: You’ll notice when I pull it’s not nearly as tight as it was before.
Correction: And you’ll notice when I pull, it’s not nearly as tight as it was before.

Original: To do it, you hold the yo-yo sideways just like do.
Correction: So to do it, you hold the yo-yo sideways just like so.

Original: Hold it sideways like so, get a really strong throw, bring your hand up and across.
Correction: Hold it sideways like so. Get a really strong throw. Bring your hand up and across.

Original: After you throw, you take your hand and bring the cross like so.
Correction: After you throw, you take your hand and bring it across like so.

Original: To throw it to the right, you throw hard, grab the string, and toss up.
Correction: So to throw it to the right, you throw hard, grab the string, and toss up.

Original: It’s from this position to this position. You’re going to throw the yo-yo this way.
Correction: So it’s from this position to this position and you’re going to throw the yo-yo this way.

Original: If you do one UFO to the right, one UFO to the left, it’s going to keep your yo-yo from getting to tight or too loose.
Correction: If you do one UFO to the right, one UFO to the left, it’s going to keep your yo-yo from getting too tight or too loose.

Original: Okay we’re moving on to advanced tricks, the intermediate tricks are okay but the advance tricks are where the main style I’ll play today.
Correction: Okay, we’re moving on to advanced tricks. The intermediate tricks are okay, but the advanced tricks is where the main style of play is today.

Original: If you go to a contest the tricks I’m going to be teaching you are tricks actually people are doing a lot. They are freestyle performances you need a really long sleeping area you want to have a yo-yo to spend at the end of the string for a long period of time.
Correction: When you go to a contest, the tricks I’m going to be teaching you are actually tricks people are doing a lot in their freestyle performances. You need a really long sleeping yo-yo. You want your yo-yo to be able to spin at the end of the string for long periods of time.

Original: You want it to be able to land on string without shooting back at your hand it’s really important.
Correction: And you want it to be able to land on the string without shooting back at your hand. It’s really important.

Original: So when you throw it’s kind of going back to the sleeper it sounds kind of silly for me to go back to that trick but practice your sleeper.
Correction: So when you throw, it’s kind of like going back to the Sleeper. It sounds kind of silly for me to go back to that trick, but practice your Sleeper.

Original: It’s really important so I dealt with a lot of people that are trying to learn advanced tricks and one of their main problems is that they’re just not throwing it hard enough.
Correction: Get this really important, because I’ve dealt with a lot of people that are trying to learn advanced tricks and one of their main problems is that they’re just not throwing hard enough.

Original: So when you throw start with a really strong throw and you really want to snap that wrist, watch me stop my yo-yo hand will literally snap straight out and snap.
Correction: So when you throw, start with a really strong throw and you really want to snap that wrist. Watch me snap. My yo-yo hand will just literally snap straight out and stop.

Original: That gives me an incredible long throw, this yo-yo is going to spend for a couple of minutes easily.
Correction: And that gives me an incredible long throw. This yo-yo is going to spend for a couple of minutes, easily.

Original: A lot of the yo-yo’s that are out here today actually can spend 4-5 minutes easily the longest spinning yo-yo was actually upwards to 16 minutes. Right now not necessarily for using string tricks it looks more like a drive scope just the way it’s all shape and everything, but they will spend for incredible long time.
Correction: A lot of the yo-yos that are out here today actually can spin 4-5 minutes easily. The longest spinning yo-yo was actually upwards of 16 minutes right now. Not necessarily for using string tricks, it looks more like a gyroscope the way it’s all shaped and everything, but they’ll spin an incredibly long time.

Original: It’s really important when you’re doing string tricks that you get that strong throw because when you start playing tricks it’s going to be a lot easier to maneuver around and do your moves if your yo-yo is continuously spinning the whole way through, so practice that strong throw, get it good and we’re going to move onto advanced yo-yo tricks.
Correction: It’s really important when you’re doing string tricks that you get that strong throw, because when you start learning tricks, it’s going to be a lot easier to maneuver around and do your moves if your yo-yo continually is spinning the whole way through. So practice that strong throw. Get it good and we’re going to move on into advanced yo-yo tricks.

Maintenance- Yo-Yo caps
1.and the bottom line is for the most part they’re just for looks.
and, the bottom line is, for the most part they’re just for looks.
2… I had a lot of people ask me do I really need my caps in, do I need to keep them in and if you’ll notice a lot of times I’ll actually play with my yo-yo, one cap out and one cap in.
I have had a lot of people ask me “do I really need my caps in and do I need to keep them in?” If you’ll notice a lot of times I’ll actually play with my yo-yo, one cap out and one cap in.
3.Sometimes you can do tricks where you actually can balance the yo-yo on the cap or you can do tricks that you’ll see in the advanced section where you can grind the yo-yo on your actual thumb just like so and with the caps in, it makes it little more difficult, so I actually remove the caps.
Sometimes you can do tricks where you actually can balance the yo-yo on the cap, or you can do tricks that you’ll see in the advanced section where you can grind the yo-yo on your thumb just like so. With the caps in, it makes it little more difficult, so I actually remove the caps.
4. Caps can be made all differently.
Different caps can all be made differently.
5.So the caps are more or less just for looks, for show than anything else, so to remove them, these caps come right out of the suction cup.
So, the caps are more or less just for looks and for show than anything else, so to remove them, the caps come right out with a suction cup.
6.Just put a suction cup right in the cap, pull, they should come right out.
Just put a suction cup right in the cap, pull, and they should come right out.
7.Some of the other yo-yos might have an axle that you can push down on, it will pop the cap right up and off the yo-yo if you want to remove them.
Some of the other yo-yos might have an axle that you can push down on. This axle will pop the cap right up and off of the yo-yo if you want to remove them.
8.So just know that caps are only so important, it’s more or less for looks.
So, just know that caps are only so important, they’re more or less for looks.
9.So the yo-yo feels better with you, for you without them, feel free to remove them.
So, if the yo-yo feels better for you without them, feel free to remove them.



Next trick we’re going to be working on is called “spirit bomb.”

Next trick we’re going to be working on is called “spirit bomb”.


It’s hard. It’s going to be one of the toughest tricks that we’re actually going to be working on throughout these segments we’re doing, but it’s worth learning.

It’s hard. It’s going to be one toughest trick that we’re actually going to be working on throughout these segments we’re doing, but it’s worth learning.
This is “spirit bomb.”

This is “spirit bomb”.
It has one pop.

It has the one pop.
It has two pops.

It has the two pops.

People will watch you do that and go, “That’s the most insane thing I’ve ever seen.”

People will watch you do that and go, “That’s the most insane thing I’ve ever seen”.
Get into a wrist mount. the next step, you push into the string that’s on your wrist. you take your pointer finger and your non-throw hand into the string, and land the yo-yo on that string.

Get into a wrist mount. The next step; you push into the string that’s on your wrist. You take your pointer finger and your non-throw hand into the string, and land the yo-yo on that string.


it’s the wrist mount. you push into the string, and then land the yo-yo on there.

its the wrist mount, you push into the string, and then land the yo-yo on there.

It goes double-on. And this is where it’s really good to have a good “kwyjibo” down, because this is a very similar move to “kwyjibo.”

It goes double-on. And this is where it’s really good to have a good “kwyjibo” down, because this is a very similar move to “kwyjibo”.

What you’re doing is you’re going double-on, you’re popping it into this string, a and crossing your throw hand.

What you’re doing is, you’re going double-on, and you’re popping it into this string, and crossing your throw hand.
Let me try that again. You’re crossing your two hands over each other.

Let me try that again. You’re crossing your two hands over one another.
It was fast, but what’s happening is you’re non-throw hand is coming right over your throw hand.

It was fast, but what is happening is your non-throw hand is coming right over your throw hand.
If you just want to get out of here and practice this, you can swing the yo-yo back to your left, and you’re actually right back where you started. so it’s a good maneuver to practice. this is the first part of “spirit bomb.” You go in, double-on, pop.

If you just want to get out of here and practice this, you can swing the yo-yo back to your left, and you’re actually right back where you started. So it’s a good maneuver to practice. This is the first part of “spirit bomb”. You go in, double-on, pop.

You just basically swing it over your throw hand and you?re ready to do the second part.

You just swing it over your throw hand and you’re ready to do the second part.

Watch what happens when I do this here.

Watch what happens when I do this.

You?re popping it up.

You’re popping it up.
You?re pulling your throw hand under and your catching it in that triangle.

You’re pulling your throw hand under and you’re catching it in that triangle.


There’s lots of variations.

There are many variations.

You should already have good grinding skills from the first grinding video we did were we just went over the basic grind.

You should already have the good grinding skills from the first grinding video we did were we just went over the basic grind.



If I had to pick one trick out of all the tricks I’m going to teach you guys I had to call my all time favorite, it’s probably going to be Gyroscopic Flop. It’s so cool. What you’re doing is actually changing the orientation of the yo-yo, it’s spinning sideways, it’s turning which way it’s going, it’s cool. There’s two ways to do it. The easier way to do it’s actually just from a trapeze. You take your throw hand and you actually just go over the yo-yo like that and by pulling the yo-yo will change its axis and then you can bind it back. Now that’s impressive looking but it just kind of looks like you’re loosing control of the yo-yo I feel. You really can’t go that long with it. Another way to do this where you do have control is actually to whip the string onto the yo-yo and then pull and you’ll notice that now I have the two strings coming around and I can control the yo-yo spinning. Basically, you can make this go for as long as you want and then when you’re ready, if just look into the side of the gap. You can see which side the strings on to release it. So that’s Gyroscopic Flop. Let me show you real quick how this is done. You actually want to make a motion similar to plastic whip. You want to hold the string over your thumb and middle finger like we did for plastic whip and you actually you just whip as if you were doing plastic whip except you whip the yo-yo in midair. So go learn plastic whip first if you haven’t already but it’s the same motion. You’re going to hold the yo-yo up though and whip it. So now I’ve got my plastic whip kind of, over, I’ve got my non throw hand thumb and pointer up here. I’ve got my throw hand on the other side and this is where I grab. I grab this and pull and this is what causes the yo-yo to start rotating around. As it does, you just kind of pull towards one side. It takes a little practice to get the feel for it but eventually you will. Watch from the center here as I take my hand, I pull it, it starts circling and I kind of guide it with my throw hand as I do it. Once again, it just takes practice and timing to get the feel for it. The last step is simply the dismount. When you go around stop, you look in the gap of the yo-yo. My string is on my right; it’s on your left since you’re watching it from the thing. So I just pull to that side and the string is released by the spin of the yo-yo. If you go just once around it’s going to be the other way, I just simply pull to the other side, releases it and that’s Gyroscopic Flop.

I have a question. What happens when a person submits more than 15 entries?

HAHA. Lol yeah Jawad

All of them after his first 15 don;t count, so Jawad is just wasting his time, and he is stealing all of the tricks from us.

Ladder Escape Part 1

Try that one more time, Ladder Escape.

You will see there’s lot of elements to this, so sometimes even I’ll miss one element in the trick.

And from this, this is why this allows you to kinda pop the yo-yo in and out and do kind of like the tricks that we were just – that I was just showing you a second ago.

From there your thumb is going to be twisted, so you want to point it out–point it out, take your thumb, pick that string up and from there you’re going to be able to create the Ladder Mount. One more time, for Ladder Mount, I’ve swung the yo-yo in towards my body, take my throw hand pointer, twist in up and over, put my thumb in here, use my pointer finger until I land the yo-yo on the string farthest from me, untwist, pick up with the thumb and you’re there.


the mondial is all messed up. it has the video of the leg wrap trap

Both your corrections here are incorrect corrections…

Original: The next trick we are going to be doing is called a Grind Transfer.
Correction: The next trick we are going to be doing is called Grind Transfer.

Original: Basically you’re moving from one part of your body to another. Transferring the yo-yo as it’s grinding from one part to the other.
Correction: Basically, you’re moving from one part of your body to another, transferring the yo-yo as it’s grinding from one part to the other.

Original: I think this a really smooth looking trick it shows that you have a lot of control over the yo-yo. It’s just going from one arm to the next.
Correction: I think this a really smooth looking trick. It shows that you have a lot of control over the yo-yo as it’s going from one arm to the next.

Original: But any way you do it you are transferring the grind from one hand to the next.
Correction: But any way you do it, you are transferring the grind from one hand to the next.

Original: So what you want to do. You start with your non throw hand out and just practice landing it and grinding it on there.
Correction: So what you want to do, you start with your non-throw hand out and just practice landing it and grinding on there.

Original: Just get it to sit there for a couple of seconds, get the feel for it.
Correction: Just get it to sit there for a couple of seconds. Get the feel for it.

Original: Eventually what you want to do is grind up to your hand and this is when you bring your other hand in to intercept it.
Correction: Because eventually, what you want to do is grind up to your hand and this is when you bring your other hand in to intercept it.

Original: So the yo-yo lands on your non throw hand, it comes up and this when you bring your other hand in.
Correction: So the yo-yo lands on your non-throw hand, it comes up, and this is when you bring your other hand in.

Original: Again, you’re going to need a really strong throw, it’s really important that you have a really strong throw when you’re doing this.
Correction: Again, you’re going to need a really strong throw. It’s really important that you have a really strong throw when you’re doing this.

Original: The yo-yo needs to keep up the momentum from one hand to the next.
Correction: The yo-yo needs to keep up momentum from one hand to the next.

Original: You should already have good grinding skills from the first grinding video we did were we just went over the basic grind.
Correction: You should already have good grinding skills from the first grinding video we did, where we just went over the basic grinds.

Original: Practice that, practice controlling it up your arm, get that really strong and good.
Correction: Practice that. Practice controlling it up your arm. Get that really strong and good.