YoYoExpert - Official Contest - #1

Original: This a trick that’s actually based off Mondial, so if you haven’t learned Mondial yet go back and take a look at the Mondial video.
Correction: This is a trick that’s actually based off Mondial, so if you haven’t learned Mondial yet, go back and take a look at the Mondial video.

Original: Mondial looks like this, it’s the popping trick where you cross and uncross your hands, landing the string in a split bottom mount from a mock five mount that it was in.
Correction: Mondial looks like this. It’s the popping trick where you cross and uncross your hands, landing the string in a Split Bottom Mount from a Mach 5 mount that it was in.

Original: So, to do Pop N’ Fresh, Pop N’ Fresh is actually repeating what you just did but just backwards.
Correction: So, to do Pop N’ Fresh, Pop N’ Fresh is actually repeating what you just did but backwards.

Original: If you already have a good mondial, you?re probably going to fly through this trick.
Correction: If you already have a good Mondial, you’re probably going to fly through this trick.

Original: So, basically get mondial down, that’s the first step.
Correctiion: So, basically, get Mondial down. That’s the first step.

Original: You just go all the way through mondial and then instead of getting out of if you actually pop the yo-yo up into the string in between your hands and your recross your hands.
Correction: You just go all the way through Mondial and then instead of getting out, you actually pop the yo-yo up into the string in between your hands and you recross your hands.

Original: So, bring your hands down, cross like so, it’s mondial, pop into the string and bring your throw hand underneath the yo-yo and pop.
Correction: So, bring your hands down, cross like so, it’s Mondial, pop into the string and bring your throw hand underneath the yo-yo and pop.

Original: When you do that, you are actually back right where you were when you popped out of mondial.
Correction: When you do that, you’re actually back right where you were when you popped out of Mondial.

Original: So your back where you were in that kind of mock five mount.
Correction: So you’re back where you were in that kind of Mach 5 mount.

Original: Your here, you pop and the first part of Pop N’ Fresh, let me get back into that again.
Correction: You’re here, you pop and the first part of Pop N’ Fresh. Let me get back into that again.

Original: So pop, pop, your right back where you were it’s kind of a mock five mount and you pop back into mondial again and then pop back into Pop N’ Fresh.
Correction: So pop, pop, you’re right back where you were it’s kind of a Mach 5-ish mount and you pop back into Mondial again and then pop back into Pop N’ Fresh.

Original: You can dismount any way you want as described, just end in a rip cord if you want and that is Pop N’ Fresh. One more time.
Correction: You can dismount any way you want. As described, just end in a Ripcord, if you want, and that is Pop N’ Fresh. One more time.

Your correction here is also a wrong correction.

Original: Okay, next trick we are going to teach you is called atomic bomb.
Correction: Okay, next trick we are going to teach you is called Atomic Bomb.

Original: If you didn’t learn split the atom, you need to learn it for atomic bomb.
Correction: If you didn’t learn Split the Atom, you need to learn it, for Atomic Bomb.

Original: The first part of atomic bomb is the split bottom mount.
Correction: The first part of Atomic Bomb is the Split Bottom Mount.

Original: If you didn’t learn this yet, go back and learn split the atom and you can take you through atomic bomb with it.
Correction: If you didn’t learn this yet, go back and learn it in Split the Atom and we can take you through Atomic Bomb with it.

Original: Atomic bomb looks like this.
Correction: Atomic Bomb looks like this.

Original: Sometimes this trick is also referred to barrel rolls.
Correction: Sometimes this trick is also referred to as Barrel Rolls.

Original: A lot of people will tell you the trick is actually called barrel rolls.
Correction: A lot of people will tell you the trick is actually called Barrel Rolls.

Original: I grew up with it as atomic bomb.
Correction: I grew up with it as Atomic Bomb.

Original: I think originally it was called barrel rolls, so either way it goes.
Correction: I think originally it was called Barrel Rolls, so either way it goes.

Original: What you want to do is you come down, you make a split bottom mount, and just like split the atom, non-throw hand comes forward like so.
Correction: But what you want to do is you come down, you make a Split Bottom Mount, like so, and then you take-just like Split the Atom, non-throw hand comes forward like so.

Original: Then instead of shooting over like this, it’s kind of a tricky part. You take your throw hand you kind of make a motion forward and it kind of lands the yo-yo string up here like so.
Correction: And then instead of shooting over like this–it’s the kind of a tricky part–you take your throw hand and you kind of make a motion forward and it kind of lands the yo-yo string up here like so.

Original: Let me show you again from the side what this looks like.
Correction: So let me show you again, from the side, what this looks like.

Original: I start with split bottom mount, then come forward, and I shoot my hand forward and catch the yo-yo string over there.
Correction: Start with a Split Bottom Mount, then come forward, and I shoot my hand forward and catch the yo-yo string over there.

Original: Then you’re right back where you started with split bottom mount.
Correction: And then you’re right back where you started with Split Bottom Mount.

Original: One of the other things you’ll notice is as you’re doing this move, you come forward, you come forward. I have an extra string wrapped around my hand.
Correction: One of the other things you’ll notice is as you’re doing this move–you come forward, you come forward–I have an extra string wrapped around my hand.

Original: Eventually the string gets really small. It’s going to make it a little bit harder to get into it.
Correction: Eventually, the string gets really small and it’ll make it a little bit harder to get into it.

Original: One more time. Split bottom mount.
Correction: So one more time, Split Bottom Mount.

Original: You bring your hand underneath and you swing your throw hand forward catching the other string in that top string.
Correction: You bring your hand underneath the yo-yo and you swing your throw hand forward, catching the yo-yo straight on that top string. Okay, like that.

Original: Forward, forward, forward, forward.
Correction: Forward, forward, forward, forward, forward.

Original: I believe in competition it’s 3 of these.
Correction: I believe in a competition, right now, it’s 3 of these.

Original: That is atomic bomb.
Correction: That is Atomic Bomb.



Next trick we are going to do is Thumb Grind Transfer. If you didn’t learn Thumb Grind yet, go learn that cause obviously you need to learn Thumb Grind to be able to do Thumb Grind Transfer. Thumb Grind Transfer looks like this. You’re popping the yo-yo up, you’re catching it on one string and transferring it to the other hand. This allows you to do two things. It allows you keep it going longer because you can only go so far with just one hand, it will slid off. So this allows you to keep going longer and it actually gives you a little more control. Because from there to there you can get both hands in there and control a little longer you’ll get more spin time out of it. I find I am able to do it a lot longer when I switch hands. So that’s Thumb Grind Transfer. Let me show the easiest way to get into it that I’ve found. I usually, I’ll start from a trapeze when I’m first learning and this time you take your dominant hand and start the Thumb Grind. So start from that, like that, get the feel for it, that’s important. You want to be able to do a Thumb Grind with both hands cause last time we focused on a non dominant hand. So from a trapeze once again, bring your thumb into it. Practice getting that solid. Then when you’re ready to put everything all together what you’re going to do is start with your left hand or your non dominant hand cause mine is my left. I bring my thumb into it, control it, and when it’s just about there from your body, it’s at a right angle kind of to your body. That’s when you take your other hand and place it a kind of switch move as this one coming out you twist your thumb this way and bring this thumb into here like that. The yo-yo will balance and sit around as it goes around and you’ll be ready to the trick. So let me show what this looks like one more time from here, put your thumb in, bring your right thumb in, twist around and then you can bind return. That’s the Thumb Grind Transfer. Let me show you one more time. Pop it up, pop it up. There’s different variations, you’ll notice I hooked it in between my thumb. Play around with it. It’s not important how you get out of it. Just that you can transfer. That was Thumb Grind Transfer.


We’re going to work on the “Drop int he bucket” mount again. If you don’t remember what it looked like, it was this move: We brought your hands over, then we brought the string, and you blamed the yo-yo into it. Now, there’s a cooler way to do that. It’s form a “jade whip”. So go learn “jade whip” if you’ve haven’t already. If you have, great. “Jade whip” is this move;what you’re doing is combining the two. What you’re doing is, you’re whipping, like so, but instead of whipping the yo-yo, you actually bring your underneath from behind. It’s from your dominant hand side.You bring it underneath the yo-yo string, and pull it into that loop, just like so. So it comes from behind, into that loop, you open it up, and the yo-yo swings around and lands on that center string, just like so. Let me show you again. Then move itself, at full speed, looks like this. It’s a really smooth move. That lands it right into a bucket mount. So one more time, as the string’s coming over, your hand’s coming from behind. Your two fingers, your thumb, and your pointer finger on your non-dominant hand spreads that string open, and then you’re in a basic bucket mount. You just have to land it into the center, like so. It’s like this. So, “jade whip”, you miss with the yo-yo, you bring your hand up, down, open it up, and land it. That is the “jade whip-bucket mount” combination. Practice that, because the next trick that we’re going to get into uses this.



The next trick we are going to work on is called Bucket Hops. We are going to use the mount that we used in the last video. If you’re having a hard with that mount you can skip it. You don’t have to learn it. I just think its a really smooth way to get into things but you can do this trick from a regular Bucket Mount like so. The trick itself, let me show you what it looks like in full speed. I’m going to use the mount I just taught you. It goes like this. You land it over and hit and then you bounce like that. It’s a really cool looking trick, it’s really fast and with a little practice you can really control the speed, the height, and you know it just makes it really impressive. So, to get into it. Do your Jade Whip Bucket Mount like so. Comes over, you hit, land it in, just like that. The trick itself isn’t too hard. What you’re doing is you’re actually pulling apart your hands at the same time. You use your pointer and your thumb on your non throw hand to pull one way and you use the pointer on your throw hand to pull the other way. This will shoot the yo-yo up into the air. Hops it up and down to the string and just practice doing that. That’s all the trick is itself is hopping up and down. With a little practice it will turn into what looks more like Boing Boing move. You can really get it to bounce up and down. If you notice I am using a lot less of my throw hand. It’s mostly my non throw hand that’s making the action happen. That’s all there is to it. So one more time, Jade Whip into a Bucket Mount like so. You hop it up. I believe when this was a compulsory trick in the contest you had to do five repetitions of it. So aim for five, it’s a good number. Two, three, four, five, it shows you have control and shoot back out and catch. That’s Bucket Hops.



The next trick we’re going to be learning is “suicide 1.5”. If you didn’t learn “suicide” yet, go take a look at it. “Suicide” was the trick where you fling, that string around and you catch that loop. “Suicide 1.5” is a very similar thing, except you actually catch the loop with your throw hand instead of your non-throw hand. The trick itself looks like that. The loop comes over, and you catch that loop with your throw hand. Let me show you that again. Just like that. And see how now I’m actually in a “one-and-a-half” mount with my hands crossed. It’s not quite a full “suicide”, since it lands across like that. From here you can actually go to finish up into a “kwyjibo,” or something. So take a look at that video, too, if you want to finish like that. But what you do is, as the loop’s coming over, like so, you take that loop and you actually catch it with your throw hand like that. So one thing that you can actually do to practice is to throw it over and aim with your pointer and catch that loop just like so. Once you have that down, you’re catching that loop, you actually can take your non-throw hand and it comes across into the string. As that happens–whoops, let’s try this again. As that happens, you pull the string. Away, and, with the loop that you just caught with your throw hand, your hands will be crossed, and you will have done the trick. It’s just like so.



Next trick we are going to be doing is a trick called Seasick. Looks just like it sounds. Makes you seasick. It’s crazy looking, it’s really cool. Let me show you what it looks like first and then we’re going to go through it. Seasick looks like this. It comes up from a split bottom mount and then what you do is come back. The yo-yo shoots up into the air and back down again. I’m going to do a couple rolls to make it easier for myself. And this is what it looks like. That’s the trick called Seasick. You notice the yo-yo is just bouncing up and down between two strings. It’s like a crazy Boing Boing or something like that. But it’s a really impressive trick. People don’t even know what to think when they see that. So that’s Seasick. Let me show you how it’s done. What you do is you start from a split bottom mount and instead of going forward you are actually going to go backwards. You go backwards on to the string that’s connected between your throw hand, middle finger, and your pointer finger so it comes back like that. And from here what you do is you keep going back like so into that next string and as you do so you shoot it up. It’s a kind of weird motion. Let me show from this angle. As it comes back you bring it back here and you shoot it up into the string so like that. It’s kind of like that. You can see the beginning of it starts to form. Let me show again. It’s shooting up like that, so it comes back and you shoot it up. Take a look at this video, slow it down a little bit to see what I’m doing. Really practice shooting it up like that. Now when it comes back down it’s going to fall onto that bottom string and that’s right where you started from again. So you just go backwards, shoot it up and it comes back down to that string. So just like this. When you start your motions might be more like that like it might just be going up and down which is fine. The more you practice, the more you’re going to get room for the yo-yo to move in and the more advanced your Seasick will get. Try this one more time. Up and down, up and down, you’re controlling it. As it hits that string you kind of come back, it’s kind of like a stalling action as it’s coming down you kind of let if fall back down. It’s a little bit tricky. It’s one of those tricks that just requires much practice. Watch the video like I said. Watch is thoroughly. And good luck.



So next we’re going to work on some more wrist mounts. It’s actually the same mount, there’s three cool ways to get into it and I’m going to bring you through each one of those ways. The first way is to do an under whip, I’m going to show you what it looks like first and then we’ll bring you through how to do it. So if you don’t remember this is a wrist mount, this is how you normally get into your wrist mount, you usually just go over. Spirit bomb is a great trick, if you haven’t learned it yet, go learn it because it’s really worth learning and then you can throw these cool variations in. The first variation is if you pinch the string, I’ll show you what it looks like. You throw it over and it goes over your hand, then you can actually throw the yo-yo into that and you’re in a wrist mount. Looks just like that. Let me show you how to get into that now. So what you do is you pinch like I was saying, non throw hand pinches that pointer and thumb and what you do is take your throw hand and throw the string over. You don’t want it to hook on the yo-yo, you actually want it to hook around your hand like so. So have your hand ready there as it’s coming over to do so. So it looks like this; you throw it over and it comes right over your hand like so. Let me show you one more time. My hand is going to be here waiting for that loop to come over like that. Sometimes you actually can even reach over and hook it, so it’s like that and it comes right over. Now you’ll notice you have your triangle already, you’ve got the string coming over to the center, you’ll land through to there, you’re in a wrist mount and you’re all ready to do complicated tricks like spirit bomb. One more time, it’s the under whip wrist mount. It’s also been called a cheese whip.


Some people find “jade whip” a little easier when you’re first learning “iron whip,” and that’s great, if you find it easier to do it this way, but do have and understand of how you’re whipping the yo-yo string.

Watch the “iron whip” video; get the gist of how to hold the string, how to hold the yoyo, its gonna really help you out.

The yo-yo comes over your hand and you grab the string and in one fluent motion, you whip the yo-yo over the string just like so.

As it does this, let me try and catch the string and show you what happens. You’ll see that the whip just formed–that loop is already over your wrist, because the yo-yo’s come over it, the loop is there, and what you want to do is, after that loops’ coming over, is, just pull your finger in.

The yo-yo’s going to keep swinging, so what you do is, as that’s coming over, once you pinch, then you immediately start your whipping motion over, and that’s going to “whip” onto the yo-yo itself.

It’s a lot easier to do if you keep your other hand out of the way.


Let me show you again.

I find that also helps to open the loops up a lot, and helps you really catch those “suicides,” so, that is “suicide.”


Next trick we’re going to work on is called “spirit bomb,” but first, I’m going to show you something called a “wrist mount.”

It kind of looks like in the bucket mount that we were doing earlier, except it’s a little different because it goes around your wrist and lands the yo-yo.

“Spirit bomb” is a trick that is entirely is compromised of these moves, and so it’s important to get a good wrist mount.

Gets your thumb opening up this triangle that’s forming.

Let me show that again really quickly.

The other way to get over and get out of a wrist mount is,–let me show you from this angle really quickly, you come from here, you push into the string, and then you push into the string connected to the yo-yo itself, and land it on that string.

Thats how you get out of it.

This is the second variation of the wrist mount that I’m going to teach you. Wrist mounts again, really cool way to getting the tricks, it looks really good. This one is particularly cool flowing. It looks like this. Gets you right into a wrist mount. I really like this one because the string has a lot of movement, it looks really smooth. Spirit bomb is a kind of jumpy trick depending on how you do it. So it’s nice to kind of get into it with a nice flowing movement trick. It looks really graceful and nice for the yo-yo’s movement. So to do this trick; one again you’re going to pinch, this is actually like another slack movement. What you’re going to do is pinch like so, take your throw hand and what you want to do is you want to bring this string over, it’s going to whip over your wrist kind of like that just like so, so hanging over there. I’ll show you from this view what this looks like. It comes much over like so, then you take that hand and you bring it toward yourself and around. You’ll notice, that string just went from where it was to directly over the string the yo-yo’s on. Then from there you land the yo-yo right into it, and you immediately end a spirit bomb wrist mount. Let me show you one more time. It looks like this; you pinch, you bring the string over, you bring your hand in, the string is laying over the string, hooks it in and it will land, a little practice, right in the middle. When you put this together you want really to smooth really flowing, if you watch me when I do it, my hand is in one continual notion. You can really make a really big motion, you make it make a really small notion, but either ways do what works for you. The other thing you can is to hook it around your pointer finger as you bring it around. If you want you can stick your pointer finger out, makes an easier way to shoot it in. It means you’ll probably get it more often, just like that, hook it in a wrist mount, you can do spirit bomb or wrist mount.



This is the third wrist whip variation I want to show you. This one is the harder of the two, but it’s definitely the coolest looking,that’s what I think. It just looks like wrist mount appears. What you do it looks like this, you’re actually like throwing the string down and that is what has creating that triangle. It looks like that, it actually landed into a wrist mount from there. Let me try this again and get this smooth looking for you guys. It comes around, you’re actually like throwing the string down as you can see me doing that. I’m actually taking that and throwing the string down and that’s where you land it, it lands right into it. It’s a really fast way to get into it if you ever are competing, this is a great trick to put in because it’s worth points and it gets you in really fast to the trick. What you do; you’ll notice that what I’m doing is that I’m still pinching it, this always involves the pinching right there. I’m actually taking this hand and as the yo-yo swinging across my body, I’m taking this and throwing it across the string like so. As this happens my hand comes in and intercepts that string that’s coming across. Let me show you real quick. So, as this is coming across, you stop the yo-yo right there. The string is whipping down across like that and I’m taking my throw hand and intercepting it on this side which is what’s creating that wrist mount. Let me show you again full speed what this looks like. Coming across, I whip down like so and I take my hand and insert it into that loop that’s forming and eventually it’ll look just like that. So one more time you’re taking it, it’s whipping down, you can actually also get into it from here if you want to put your hand right into it and then move it to the wrist mount, it gets you into the same thing. Try it again, like so, with an extra wrap around right there, but anyway coming down it whips over and you catch just like that. That’s an over whipped wrist mount and that’s your third variation.


The next trick I’m going to show you is another very smooth looking trick. Its a trapeze to triangle move. It looks like this, let me show you what it looks like real quick. You’re actually, it’s another slack trick, you’re whipping the string and you’re actually catching it over here, that comes down and it will land into a triangle that falls just like that, you see the triangle forming. When you do it all in one smooth motion, I’m just trying to do this again for you guys. Looks like that, it’s very fast, it’s very smooth looking, that’s the whip to triangle. Let me show you what’s going on here. What you’re doing is, it’s a very similar motion to the wrist mount variation we worked on, it’s the first one I taught you, the under whip one. What you want to do instead of catching it though, you’re actually allowing the string to fall over and hit the yo-yo. You want it to hook somewhat like that. Let me show you from this point of view. The string is actually hooking over it and it will hook on the yo-yo like that. The one thing you’re doing to create the triangle is you’re taking your throw hand and as the string is coming over, you’re positioning it in between the string so it comes up here and as that string is falling down, it hooks over that and hits into a triangle just like so. So let me show you it full speed again so you can try to break it down. It comes across, that string came over and it drops right into a triangle. So, under, over, triangle just like so. Let me show you from this side. It comes over, drops down, I brought my hand forward as I did it, so it dropped down correctly. It’s a really smooth looking trick, watch the video, watch the settle movement of the throw hand moving forward as I come around, it’s really important, it takes a little practice, you’ll get it.


~yo! shi!


This is a really cool trick, this is a really–its a longer trick.

Some of the maneuvers in it are a little bit tricky, but we’re going to break it down, we’re going to step through it.

So the first step, put around your thumb, hold it out, it’s kind of an awkward double or nothing with your thumb in there, pop it up into that loop and just drop it out.



The next trick we’re going to do is whip to triangle laceration. It’s not necessarily a true laceration, if you remembered from the other laceration videos that we were watching, it’s actually lacerations that you hook the string into it and actually catch that loop. What we’re actually going to be doing this time is whipping this string around our finger and creating a triangle like so. Let me show you what this looks like. Just like that, in mid air the string whips around and forms a triangle. You want to be able to do the version we did in the last segment which was this one where it whips around, falls down and creates that triangle right there. It’s important that you know how to do that because you’re actually doing the same movement, it’s just in one motion. It comes around your finger like this, there’s another trick that we’re going to be teaching you in the next segment, it’s an over the trapeze whip that looks like this. We’re going to work on that, it’s a very similar motion except what you’re doing is doing what you did in the last step where you’re whipping and bringing your finger forward. So, something like this, if you’re having trouble with this you can jump ahead and look at that video and come back. But the real key to this one is as the yo-yo is whipping around again, it’s really important that you bring your throw hand forward. Let me show you what this looks like again. As the string is whipping around, you bring your throw hand forward, watch my throw hand as I do this. It’s coming forward and that’s string that’s coming around is whipping over the string, I just pull it forward. That’s what is creating the triangle and that’s what creates the effect. It’s really cool, it looks like it just appears out of nowhere, it’s really an impressive move. That’s a trapeze to triangle laceration.


It comes over your hand onto to the two strings like that and what’s going to happen from here is you’re going to whip the string around, the strings going to go once around the yo-yo and then come back around and whip in mid-air. Let me show you what it looks like in real speed, real quick.

You want to–want to make a really good hit as the yo-yo is coming and hitting those two strings really make a good impact so that you can grab that string and whip it around.



So we’re moving on to the master level of yo-yo tricks and this is cool stuff.

If you go and take a look back at my expert level and all the other ones we went through, this isn’t necessarily incredibly harder.

It’s just kind of the next step and these tricks that I have chosen to put in into the master section I feel are fundamentals of free-styles, they’re tricks that are really good to learn, they’re tricks that have been around for a while.

So I’ve started taken them.

Should help you out.



Next trick we’re going to show you is the “takashi boing.”

One more time; let me show you what it–how to do it.

One more time, it’s the “takashi boing.”