Yoyoexpert Gift Exchange :)

Should we write what we sent? Or are sending?As long as we dont say who to

if you want too.

Alright well I sent a dingo, psg and a freehand

I couldn’t get out to the post office today, but I’m going to the post office on Monday during my lunch break to mail everything out :slight_smile:

Wait you only have 3 feedback tho? You are in it?

Same here

Yes. I made the thread to start this, and asked yomagic to run it. He allowed me to be a part of this.

Wait so why wouldn’t they let other people with lower feedback join but they let you join? I hate to say this but that’s not fair at all, regardless

Go back to the original post and actually read it

If you read the rules that Yomagic set out, its subjective. It is fair because its plainly stated at his discretion he may allow people in. Yomagic has done this multiple times and runs it well, so I trust his judgement. Anyone is free to do one of these with different rules, this is just how he runs his.

Can’t argue with that, or Yomagic being the most ancient organizer here I know is still breathing on YYE…SO yeah.

He was the one who had the idea.

I love this kinda stuff, it says well known to the forums, I’ve never heard of the kid but some of you are right if yomagic trust him that’s good enough for me, it’s just really ironic

YoMagiic can do what he wants and thats that.

Who’s saying he can’t? Hahaha the exchange is almost over, I could care less… And that’s that

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Well, The arguing had to come here. I mean, in all honesty, you all need to stop Bickering. And stating a fact, whether it be ironic or not, is not needed. Thank you.

When’s the latest you get the gift?

Well one of the packages of mine is arriving today and the package of items from me is shipping today (bad timing on my part :-/ ) but who ever is getting 2 packages, 1 today and 1 friday-ish.

Oh and I will be happy with just about anything with a C bearing. I’m just happy to be apart of this.

Now if someone that has me is wondering what to get me…

Alpha crash
Psg or asteroid

Something fun. I prefer V and H shapes.

Hope every one has a great day