YoYoExpert commercial

As Apetrunk says, it was more of a video showcasing yo-yoers and their tricks. If this thing isn’t due yet then I advise maybe putting something like “An online community” or “Learn the tricks of the trade to start your journey” maybe “Special Tips from real people.” The point is to encourage people to the website, show snapshots and maybe a little recording of a page with André teaching a trick or two. Just some advice.

Hey great for a minute. Hope you got a good grade. I think since you liked this so much you should make a commercial as long as you want. Then we can send it to everybody we know! What do you say?

Well, lets say you aired this during the super bowl last year. a 30 second commercial during the super bowl cost 3 millon dollars. If you want to air nationally, It could be over 100k per 30 seconds. Locally it could be about 1k. That is for every 30 seconds of air time.

So you looking at roughly:
2k for every local Tv spot
200k for every National spot
or even 6 million or more for a Super Bowl spot.

Hey Andre, You makin that kind of money. :wink: Thats why its a 60 second time limit.

that might have been the idea but i didn’t like it :-/

There will be a cooler version with more in it eventually guys so bear with me on this.

even if it is only a min, there are a few things that could change. for starters, more time saying what this is for. also, u may need more clips, of different people. you can take any clip from one of my videos. on youtube, TheMrYoYo94. also, every clip should be around 5 seconds. then a dramatic pause-then another clip of a yoyoer- then show the yoyoexpert add. just the logo. then another clip, and after every clip, u should do one thing about the sight, like learn to throw, or shop for yoyos, or talk with other players. then the last 20 seconds would be just one clip after the other, and the last clip should be epic. not epic like what we would think, but what someone who has never seen a yoyoer epic. im thinkin gyroscopic flop, grind, or revolutions. then the last few seconds should just be the yye X with the e in it.

Sounds epic. haha

Maybe use the kind of music they put in those epic movie trailers? I’m thinking along the lines of Lord of the Rings epic.

I really liked the video, I liked all of the tricks in the video, they are my favorite type of tricks, the type of tricks that leave people guessing how you did it.

P.S. I would just like to say one thing, if you don’t mind, I would like to suggest maybe having something that says, “If you would like to learn tricks like these then go to yoyoexpert.com.”.