Yoyo with a feeling similar to YYR's Bae

I have heard that physix has a similar feel. what are the similarities? Or if you know of any differences, please let me know.
I would like to know if there are any other yo-yos with a similar feel.
I would also like to know the feeling of GTR-JS if you don’t mind.

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In my opinion I think the YYF Will plays pretty close to the BAE in terms of feel on the string. Both feel solid and respond well with a good amount of control. The BAE is a bit faster but the Will feels a little bit better for horizontal play.

Here’s a pretty good review of the GTR-JS. You just have to scroll down a bit.


I had no idea about WILL.
The green is very cool and I will consider it.
GTR-JS is one of the best yo-yos as you say. I am definitely going to get one this year.

The Physix is not 100% close to Bae but the power is nearly identical and maneuverability is better with little less heft. Something notable to mention is you will feel comfortable with thick rim on Bae, not the same as Physix with rounded V shape and quite sharp/pointy edge but this helps to create more space for catch-zone.

Imo, Physix is more all rounded yoyo than Bae/Toru, it can be throw as a fun or a competition throw, depend on your mood.

Some other throw I can recommend are Misfit Air, pharaoh or Aerodynex. All three are rim-weighted throw like Bae.

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I haven’t tried a Bae but I have played the Toru 0.999 which shares a lot of similarities to it. So I’ll give a couple thoughts comparing to that and hopefully that’ll be useful for you.

Comparing the GTR-JS and 0.999, you can definitely feel the larger size, the width in particular. The difference in shape leads to the effective catch zone being a good bit wider. So an improvement for zoning tricks though I do occasionally find it hitting extra strings unintentionally during tech. It also feels a good bit lighter and zippier, though I wouldn’t call it a speed demon at all. The lightness does not lead to poor spin times or a lack of stability at all. It does not feel overly rim-weighted. I don’t do horizontal often but when I do it handles it well.

Tl:Dr I’d say the GTR-JS leans less tech/flow than the 0.999 but has a very nice light feeling and is an improvement for zoning and perhaps zontals. An amazing yo-yo that feels very distinct from the 0.999.

For other similar yo-yos, I think the Klondike has a similar feeling, though it’s more powerful/dense and less flowy. It also feels a bit more boxy than the 0.999.

Another, much more rogue comparison: I think the Cascade feels similar on the string (flowy, wide catch zone, light-ish feeling). But it is way less performant in pretty much every way. So take that as you will.

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