Looking for a new Yoyo

Hey there!
So I currently don’t own many competitive yoyos, I l’y having a shutter, IQ, DNA, and Replay Yoyo. Obviously my favorite of the bunch is the IQ and I’m looking at some other Bi-Metal yo-yos. When looking around I found that there’s a ton of really good ones out there and I kinda just wanted to know which are the best. I’m not going to put a price range because I just in general want to know what the best for me would be but here’s what I like in a Yoyo:
I like W shaped yoyos, and wouldn’t mind trying another shape (V shape seems fun)
I like wider yoyos, around the width of the IQ Yoyo (49mm)
I’d obviously like a metal or Bimetal Yoyo
I would prefer précision and agility over power but would like a good mix of both


EDIT: I also forgot to say I like lighter and faster yoyos. I saw all the recommendations and the GTR JS seems great but I still wanna see if there are any other recommendations!


I’d take a look at the edge by Yoyofactory. Really good perforce, and wide as well.

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i think precision might be harder on a wider yoyo, but the shutter wide angle is always available and around $55 i think, wide and can do everything you need it to. in terms of bimetals, i have no clue lol

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if you can find one, i would recommend a yoyo factory Marco wide shape, super stable and powerful. otherwise, get the polyform Dema. its very smooth, wide and powerful.

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for a lighter playfeel you should get the og orbital gtx, since the new one is heavier

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If you want an amazing yoyo look into Duncan gtr or gtr js it’s not an h shape but it’s agility, flow and performance are totally worth it
If you want an h shape yoyo maybe you could try the yyf vulture or paragraph

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Second this 100%. Absolutely recommend picking up a GTR-JS, it’s a Top 3 yoyo for me out of the 200ish I own.

GTR-JS is a GREAT contrast to the IQ while also still being wider.

Here’s how I compared the two previously:

I’ve recommended the JS countless times on this forum and there hasn’t been a person that regrets picking one up/doesn’t love it.


Saw there are new colors of the gtr-js coming soon. The red and purple from the last batch looks so good.


Can’t go wrong with the orbital Gtx. Unless you don’t like sharp rims (The rims only hurt if you catch the yoyo wrong or if you get hit in the face)
Otherwise the Gtx is one of the smoothest, powerful and quiet yoyo’s I have.


I don’t know if there is a bad duncan bimetal

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