YOYO videos

I want to make yoyo videos for youtube just so that i can record my trick combinations, are there any tips recommendations advice on how to start I’ve never done anything like this before.

To just start out, there are ( obviously) a few things you need for starting your channel:

  1. Camera- you don’t need anything expensive, but just enough to get you by.

  2. Editing software- There are many for you to try, I recommend Windows movie maker, IMovie, Adobe premiere; these are easy to learn on.

  3. Motivation- You need to be motivated to put your tricks out there.

All in all, you should have fun with it along the way you can invest more time, money, etc. later down the road :smiley:

thank you! haha idk i feel kinda weird though first time anyone but me will be seeing my tricks haha

If your trying to start without spending any money A smartphone camera should get you by depending on how fancy of videos you want to make. Iphone cameras are pretty good even on older models and most can get the mobile version of imovie for free where you can trim your video clips and upload them to youtube right from your phone.

Have you ever uploaded videos?

If anything make sure you have good lighting by that i mean make sure we can see your string

Try this: http://yoyonews.com/2014/10/15/yoyo-videography-tips-tricks-cheats/

It is really a great article all about making a perfect yoyo video made by one of the best video-makers out there.