Yoyo vibes

I want to ask, I am a beginner at playing yoyo, how do I overcome the vibration on a monometal yoyo?


When the yoyo is spinning and you lightly touch your fingernail to the edge of the yoyo, does it still vibe after a few seconds? Or does it smooth out?

If it smooths out, the issue is your throw. If it doesn’t, the issue is the yoyo. Focus on improving your breakaway/throw, make sure it is straight, and don’t be afraid to throw hard. Check your string tension and make sure that it’s good and doesn’t start getting tangled. This also just comes with time, so don’t worry about it too much for now and just keep focusing on improving.


Everything he said is 100% accurate. Just to expand on what he said cuz I can’t help over explaining things. How long have u had that yo-yo? Is it new? Like in the last week or two? I know people have a hard time accepting that it’s just their throw that’s causing vibe. But that’s really what it is. Sometimes it’s not even that ur technique sucks or that u need to practice more sometimes some throws come that require a little break in period for u to get used to throwing it.

I still experience throw vibe like this once in awhile with a new throw. Sometimes it’s the throw sometimes it’s u. You just have to get used to the yo-yo. I just keep throwing it then take a break from it for a few days and when I go to throw it later the vibe is completely gone. It sounds weird but when I go back to it things are different now it feels familiar you kind of feel in tune with it it’s weird but true. And the vibes gone.

Rarely is a brand new yo-yo just viby out of the box, like true vibe. But this does happen as well. To tell the difference just do what he said above. Put ur finger or nail up to the yo-yo when it’s spinning. If it turns smooth then that’s great and it just means u gotta get used to throwing it that’s all. It’ll smooth out you’ll see.

If it doesn’t smooth out when u touch well then it is the yo-yo.

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