yoyo turns at the bottom of the string why?

i throw my yoyo and it doesnt tip over it starts to turn around in a circle and i cant do anythind with t plz help

which yoyo is it?

umm its sleeping witch is a good thing fo rsleep tricks if you want something to come straight back up get a looping yoyo

It’s because the string is rubbing the side of the yoyo, as well as it’s just what’s going to happen. These topics will give some information about what to do to fix the tilt.

As well as this video:

Throw it harder. Keep your palm up until it reaches the end of the string

and scince it is turning in circles it sounds to me like you might also be having a string tension issue (too tight)

You are seeing the affects of precession. This is normal and usually isn’t a problem.

When the yoyo sleeps at the end of the string, it has a tendency to rotate a bit. When you are doing string tricks, however, it is much less of an issue becasue the yoyo is in constant motion.