yoyo string is knotting

i am a novice yoyoer and i have a fast 201 and whenever i bind my yoyo string gets knotted is there a reason for this and how can i prevent this from happening if you need a a video of me binding to see and then diagnose plz ask.

Throw less string into the gap.

if it is responsive and you bind, too much string gets into the gap. and it gets stuck. try to not use as much string for the bind

the people above me are correct. you need to adjust the amount of string that you let into the gap. Practice with that, and you’ll get better at binding in no time. You may also be binding from the front (throwing the string away from you), and that may cause a knot sometimes. The size of the loop can be different with different yoyos because of various reasons (worn/new response, clean/lubed bearing, gap width). It’s nothing practice will not fix. Just keep at it :wink:

I’ve got a 201 and I have the same problem! People have told me that I might be binding the wrong way and that’s causing knots, but I don’t know how else to do it…i tried loosening the 201 a little bit and that helped, but it becomes a lot harder to get the yoyo back up after a trick, when it has low rpm’s, so I dunno what to do. I’m just getting a DM2 and being done with it haha!

thx guys but what do u mean by adjusting how much string goes into the gap,how do i do that.

Just don’t pull the loop as long when you bind.