Yoyo response system acting up?

Hey guys. My bind are always slipping on my Shutter yoyo. I have changed the pads, cleaned the bearing, and have used fresh string. This is not a problem that has appeared after using it for a while, I got my Shutter very recently, and it has been happening ever since. There is no problem with the grooves the response pads sit in, and the bearing and string are perfectly fine. Does anyone know how to change this?

Have you tried different string types or thicknesses?

Not yet

string is a good suggestion. you also could try softer pads or flowable silicone

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How do the pads sit in yoyo? If you’re looking perpendicular (90°) at one of the halves, are the pads flush with the yoyo, slightly recessed, or more than slightly recessed? I’ve only had stock pads be a problem on one yoyo. In that case, even the thickest string I had wasn’t consistent enough, so I had to use red RTV - which is slightly stickier than flowable - and made it sit flush in the groove. Now it’s one of my favorite monometals.

As other have suggested, thicker string is the easiest thing to try (assuming you don’t mind playing with fatter string).