Hi, im looking for a new yoyo… i can do all begginer tricks and most of the intermediate tricks…i use a pocket pros zombie right now and i was wondering if i should get a new yoyo and what kind…i was thinking to get a yoyojam revolution because that would be pretty good for 1a ( which is what what i do mostly ) and it will last me a long time before i get a new yoyo…
please dont give me like a billion recomendations…2 at the most please…
Binding is returning an unresponsive yoyo. I would continue to use the yoyo you have until you can bind, or at least have an idea of binding. If not, you should go for a Yoyojam Dark Magic 2, a Revolution (also by yoyojam) or a Yoyofactory velocity. All of these have ways of switching between responsive and unresponsive.