I recently started playing with a couple of yo-yos that I’ve found lying around my house. Neither of them are very well made I can tell, and they are obviously designed for the yo-yoer who has no plans of being able to pull off tricks and get better. But I do aspire to those things.
I want to get better and one day be able to pull off all kinds of tricks and just be good enough where I can really have fun with it. So, I’ve looked up online and everything how to do tricks, types of yo-yos and all that kind of stuff, and from what people have been saying, the yo-yos I have aren’t very good when it comes to long sleep times and string tricks.
I’m now looking to get a new, better, higher-quality yo-yo.
Now, I have a few questions/comments:
I’ve been looking around on this site and through the reviews section of these forums, and I’ve decided upon getting either the Dark Magic, Legacy, X-convict, or New Breed.
What I want to know is: which of these seems the best for someone like me? I want to be able to have long sleep times and be able to throw all kinds of tricks and be able to do grinds and all of that. I know that the New Breed and Legacy are “unresponsive” yo-yos and that you have to perform a “bind” to get them to return.
I do not yet know how to bind because I cannot do string tricks because my yo-yos are not butterflys, they have very narrow gaps, but would you recommend that I not get an unresponsive yo-yo because of that? Or is it easy enough to learn a bind that it would be OK.
Which of these four would you prefer? And I know you all hate preference threads, but I am actually looking for your preferences because I respect you guys as yo-yoers.
My budget is around $40, and if you have a better recommendation then the 4 I listed, please let me know.
I am still very new, and I don’t really know how to mod yo-yos or do anything like that (yet) so please don’t say something like “Get the Dark Magic because it’s amazing after you mod it and lube it and whatever” because I don’t know how to do that, so it’s essentially useless to me.
Thanks, this will help me a lot.