When I started to (I think) get good at yo-yoing, my goal was to get sponsored. I thought I was good enough and I would benefit the company I was throwing for. So I went to Worlds, and I asked every company that had a booth if they’d sponsor me, and you know what happened? I got sponsored by… nobody. In fact, I didn’t get a single free yo-yo. And 1A yo-yos costed like $20 back then lol. It was a bit disappointing, but I understood, and I kept throwing cuz that’s what I do and throwing is awesome. I did eventually get sponsored by Yomega - which was amazing - and I got some free Hyperwarps when I promoted them doing shows in public back in the day (secret confession: I beefcaked my HWs). I also kept posting on yoyoing.com/news, extremespin.com, yoyonation…
Fast forward to 2018. I make a post, and I get a message in my inbox from codinghorror (creator of discourse.org!!) saying he wants to send me a yo-yo. So I surprisingly accept, and he sends me a friggen One Drop Kraken!! Insane!! I own several YoYoFactory yo-yos, which are all awesome, and the last One Drop yo-yo I purchased was the Project 2 (not counting my Dingo), back in 2009. It was quite good, but for whatever reason it wasn’t my favourite, and I had just dropped $120 on an 888 that had tickled my fancy. In fact I traded that P2 for a first-run GeneralYo 5-Star, which also rocks (and I still have today). So I had always appreciated One Drop, but I had no idea as to how far they have come over the past decade of design and yo-yo releases.
Because of that Kraken, I realised how I very much like One Drop yo-yos as I do YoYoFactory, and it made me drop $110 USD this year on a Hipster Highlife, machined at One Drop (and anodized by Gruntbull). This is a big deal because in 2009 the Canadian dollar was higher than the American, where now, well, you can do the math on that one…
That Kraken taught me 1) OD rules like YYF, but differently, 2) Gruntbull rules, 3) 60 mm is too big of a diameter for me for an EDC and competition throw, 4) colours matter, 5) design can be more important than materials alone (my Kraken is more stable than my one budget bimetal I own), 6) how ODs play differently than YoYoFactory (I’ve still gotta get my hands on an Edge Beyond though, I think I’d change my opinion on YYF just as I have for OD over the past decade too).
Thanks a lot codinghorror. And to stay on topic, Belgian quadrupels are my favourite beers.