yoyo magizines

ok i really want a yoyo magizine can anyone give me alink to goet one please

This website is like a magazine:

Happy Throwing! =]

One of my friends got one when he ordered only yyf from yoyonation. I am not sure if they still do that though.

That was a Catalog

AFAIK, there are no dedicated yo-yo periodicals currently in existence. Sad, I know.

I propose that Dr YoYo picks up a few journalists (I can make some recommendations, but I’m sure you know some people) and put out a quarterly (for now) magazine.

The problem with making magazines is the vast amount of info you get on the internet.

i would most definitly subscribe to a yoyo magizine. i know there is a lot of info on the internet but a magizine would be great.

No one would buy something that I already give for free…

People read their quick local news updates on their homepages every morning, listen to the same story on the radio on the way to work, and still buy a newspaper on the way home that tells the the same thing for the third time.

I think it’s doable, and you could still have new and fresh content. It wouldn’t be about the money, it would be about the players.

Absolutely. I have only been yoyoing for under four months now, and I have probably spent about 600 dollars on yoyo stuff. I would pay 10 a month for a yoyo magazine that had trick tutorials, staff interviews, whats going on with the contests, newest and latest yoyos, replacement parts, cool tools, amazing photography-- It could be extremely alluring (if made by the right hands). And like JM said, starting Quarterly would be the way to go. There is basically still an entire nation of untapped, future yoyoers. People just need to be exposed to yoyoing and the entire yoyo business would explode. It would be nice if the yoyo industry was big enough to make enough yoyos for you to not have to worry about how many of a certain yoyos are left. I don’t know how many times someone misses out on a yoyo that they want just because it isn’t being made anymore. As a matter of fact, something like a nice yoyo magazine might just be what it would take to push the sport of yoyoing into the next level (population wise).

During the last yoyo craze, about late 90’s early 2000, they had a couple of yoyo magazines you could buy. I have them stashed away somewhere, I think one of the names was YoYo World, I cannot remember the other.

I had a subscription to one of them, but they both eventually just went under.

Like someone else mentioned, you can find so much information online, I do not see how a magazine would make it now. Same way with newspapers, our paper world as we know it, is changing dramatically.

You could even have some cut-out wall posters.

Or better yet, some coupons… 8)

I agree that it would be hard to do considering most, if not everything, you could want to know about yoyos is online, but there is something about having something you can touch and feel.

I for one, would buy it.

This would be the best idea EVER I would LOVE to have a yoyo magazine. So you can use it when you can’t git on the computer and evan if you could git on the computer I would still read it. ;D ;D

Perfect for my Bathroom!! Think about it, your sittin there, and you get the Yo-yo bug, you cant just stand and yoyo, so, pick up the magazine and, BOOM, you have all the yoyo you can handle! Yeah, pictures, contests, results, new yoyos and reviews, I would so buy that in a heart beat!

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Lol, but so true. SOOOOO true.

There have been 2 mass distributed yo-yo magazines… YoyoWorld and Fiend. Both failed miserably and ended up losing tons of money.

The idea of a magazine, online or otherwise has come up every few months for the last 10 years… it has never worked, I can’t imagine that changing any time soon… despite all the ‘I CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN YOU SUCK FOR NOT BELIEVING’ comments I’m bound to get. :slight_smile:



jk xD

Im with yoyomac. Yoyoing gets bigger and bigger every year. When’s the last time they tried, 4 or 5 years ago? I’ll bet yoyoing almost doubled in that amount of time. Think of how many people you know that have yoyoed longer than five years. You probably know more who haven’t.

The yoyo boom is not big enough at this time. When the old mags were popular there were yoyo’s everywhere, such as Kiosks at the malls and every department store you walked in had yoyo’s. Even watched a SuperYo demonstrator at Dillard’s once.

It’s just not the same now, but maybe it will get to that level again. :-\