Yoyo hostage situation//giveaway. Need input. (Might be controversial)

a good yoyoer is a guaranteed winner

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Or for a contest the most unpredictable trick or something

got it

a page where the person with no thankyous on their comment wins the prize

You please me! Haha and this is how our economy works. The people who can afford to do something do it, they don’t not do it because other people can’t. I think if you want to blend a yoyo by all means do it! This is 'merica!

YESS, best idea yet :smiley:

Two ideas. Like the title says, best picture of your throw on a hostage situation. All you need is creativity. Or best yoyo Limerick… they could be used later for a song.

Who can get the highest score on some common pinball machine, something like midevil madness.

Thats kinda dumb, its like those facebook game things -_-

Since the outcome includes a destroyed yoyo invovle that in the contest. Best video of someone destroying a yoyo…

How about everyone has to take a video of them drinking as many shots of straight fish sauce as they can, and whoever drinks the most wins?

  1. Do 30 Eli Hops blindfolded
  2. Land 25 brent stoles in a row
  3. Land 25 repeated hooks without the yoyo dropping (Hopefully you know what I mean…)


Disgusting, but pure genius

I brush my teeth with fish sauce, bring it! ;D

Coolest damaged yoyo? The damage needs to look cool not the yoyo.

someone can definitely win

omg yes yes yes but if no one drinks over 15 no one wins


or hot sauce or soy sauce or siracha sauce

Who can eat the most ghost peppers without crying or drinking any liquid for 20 min.

how do you access ghost peppers