check to make sure the axel isn’t rubbing the string, and make sure you wrap the string tightly around the bearing. Also, i’ve noticed that Duncan and Yomega yoyos tend to break strings. It could also be your string. Cotton breaks easily.
I’ve heard lightly sanding the spot where the string can rub helps, with denim or something not gritty. This has been a problem with other yoyos, too. Maybe someone else knows the exact details.
This is probably the right answer, so I’m not picking on “nobody”, but how did we get to the place where we don’t expect our $85 toys to be finished yet? I just seem to have seen a lot of this lately.
I think the yoyo is suicidal, though. The first time it cut the string it dinged itself on a steel pole. He’s basically saying “I’m not afraid of you!!” : )
Also, is there a way to tell that it is finished other than putting on a new string and see what happens?
All kidding aside, I don’t have these problems with the yoyos in my inventory, so I can’t relate.
However, many people have recommended the denim patch trick. Denim is very durable material, so take your yoyo apart, remote the bearing and axle and rub down the whole area on each half of the yoyo for a good 10-15 minutes, paying extra attention to the outer portion of the bearing seat and the edges of the area that holds the response. After that, the only way to know is to try. That’s really the best I can recommend, An old pair of jeans might be the most convenient way to obtain this material. Your other option would be to contact someone who does yoyo modifications and see if they’ll take care of this for you.
I understand and agree, but if you take care when doing so, it is just a nuisance.
I’m just passing along the advice I’ve read elsewhere regarding this issue. It’s been seen before and people seem to generally recommend a good strong rub-down using a patch of denim cloth. I’m sure you could find a way using a small soft dremel-type bit that you can wrap the denim on and go after it with a bit more enthusiasm and save some time, but the advice is generally the same.
I guess the companys who do the blasting don’t expect the string to snap, but most companys now mask the response area off when there blasting. You also have to remember that even in yoyoing $85 is not a terribly large amount of money and maybe the company figures that for the price it is not woth the money.
Finally got it to quit cutting the string, though, and had a chance to really play with it. :o The Exit 8 plays remarkably. Even without the string cutting, the yoyo still has an attitude; it keeps saying “Is that all you got? You SUCK!!!” I need to come up with some bigger combos next time I play it.
Yeah , I realize that you can spend 3 times that on a YYR. Or 5 times that amount on an Mg. I just think that because of that, we all lose sight of the fact that $85 is a huge amount to spend on a yoyo. We can buy 10 and 20 dollar yoyos that work flawlessly right out of the package. Why expect less from an $85 one?
Clarify for me. By blasting, you’re referring to a pre-ano surface treatment such as beadblasting or angeldusting or something like that, right?
I’m not currently into grinding, so I’m ignorant on this topic. I WILL learn grinding, but not yet.
As far as cheap metals, I can say that I have a few. How many of us have Duncan Metal Drifters? Granted, not much finish on there.
I also have an Aoda Magic Pear Ball. I got luck that the anodizing was very consistent and the two halves match. But, it seems kinda smooth. Even my dv888 that I got today, it seems very smooth. But, then again, my CLYW’s seem rather smooth too, but I’ve been told they are beadblasted for grinding capabilities. I can see it and feel it.
However, going back to the Magic Pearl Ball, I suppose I shouldn’t care. It cost me $17 with shipping. I can’t fathom how that location can make any money off anything they sell. Then again that’s not my problem. I’ve been informed that at least this model is an original design. Regardless, it plays nice, is tons of fun and it hasn’t cut a single string yet, although I haven’t played it enough for ME to wear out a string on it yet.
Regardless of price, I don’t see why any yoyo should have this problem. Let’s think about a few things.
1: Granted, I know that costs are kind of high. Of course, 66 grams of aluminum is 66 grams of aluminum. Depending on the alloy, assuming the alloy is the same, the END raw cost of the finished metal(excluding maching, just pure weight) is the same. Since some places use more expensive processes and machine shops(better people, software, equipment, tighter tolerances).
2: I won’t even go into how much I do or really do not know about machining. It’s not my area. I fail to see how costs can vary that much. I don’t get why aluminum alloys vary in costs either. Again, not my thing.
3: Regardless of margins, if you’re going to make a product, you should feel obligated to make the product as best as possible. By that, I mean you make your design and then make the product completely ready for market. That would mean taking steps to ensure that your finished product is in fact ready to come out of the package and into a player’s hands and ready to work. We’ll all concede bearings needing to be broken in as well as response pads. But to have it cutting strings? Come on. I’m sure they can find a way to do that affordably.
4: Products requiring “adjustments” don’t win users or build good identiy. It’s one thing if you’re not happy with a feature, such as my RecRev Sharp, well, it just doesn’t fit the response pads that it claims it uses. However, it turned out it was a bad set of pads, and I replaced them and they fit OK, but even so, I decided I wanted it modified to accept flowable silicone. Product bad? No. But, to have a defect or issue or even an oversight that results in strings being cut… well, that just sounds like something needs to be added to the manufacturing process.
5: Unhappy users complain. Prospective purchasers read complaints. Prospective purchases become disinterested and look elsewhere. The company takes a hit to their reputation, even if they have other great or problem free products. If anything, that model becomes a “must avoid”. I mean, I’ve heard enough about the yoyo in question to not want to even consider it. I’m not opposed to doing the work to “fix” the problem, but I don’t feel the process to finish the manufacturing the yoyo in question should be delegated to the end user.
I don’t have to “finish” my dv888. I didn’t have to finish my Metal Drifter. I didn’t have to finish my Magic Pear Ball. I sure didn’t have to finish my CLYW’s, or my other metal yoyos either. We’re talking from under $20 to over $100. Surely, something in the middle of that can not have such problems.
I’m all for DIY, but sometimes I expect a product to be finished and ready for use. Again, with yoyo’s, I’ll concede a bearing and response pad break in period. With speakers, I will concede a 24 hour break-in where I’m running white and pink noise through them. With mics, I expect them to work out of the box.
My Raptor is less than half the price of an Exit 8, is blasted, and has never cut a string: And I bought mine when they first came out, so I’ve had it for a while.
I have to agree with Studio42. If I didn’t have to finish my Raptor, why should I have to finish a more expensive yoyo? Would you buy a brand new Mercedes and expect to have to put the engine in yourself? No. Could you justify this by saying that a less expensive car has less features? No. It wasn’t like I was waiting for something to break in: I couldn’t break anything in because the yoyo wouldn’t play.
I honestly have to say that I am disappointed with Duncan. This is my first high(ish) dollar throw, and the reason that I bought a Duncan was because I expected more from them based on the quality of their cheaper throws compared to the qualities of other companies cheaper throws.
I thought I had the yoyo fixed, but after about another hour of play it cut another string. I love Duncan products, but if one more buffing doesn’t fix the problem, I am going to send the yoyo back and get something else. (YYE does not have the color I want in stock anymore, and if I am paying for something, then I want it in the color I want) I’ve been wanting this yoyo for almost a year, finally got it Monday, and in four days have worked on it more than played it. Actually: disappointed may be an understatement for how I feel right now. I’ve only heard good things about this yoyo, but it is starting to make me angry.
Thanks for the advice, but I will NEVER pay someone to mod a new yoyo to stock specifications. It’s basically overpaying for the product. I have a day off tomorrow, I’m going to work on it a little more, and see how it goes.