YoYo Company Name

If it’s a School project then name it something your professor can relate to and don’t over think it so you can get along with the assignment.


easy to work with logo concept as well.


take it up one level to Invisible Man Yoyo Company

I still can’t do the invisible man trick

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Only thing better would be A\RT

Actually I believe the Best name would be ‘F.A/R.T’

Fantastically Amazing Rotating Toys.

How refreshing is that?


Bravo. When I started making cotton string a few years ago, my son suggested calling it “FARTS” for French’s Amazing Return Top String. Problem was, it wasn’t amazing.

i wish i had you guys in my group lmao…we would actually get work done.

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I was always the dude who would do more work to ensure a good grade. When I found out in college I still had to do group projects because “yOu sTiLl hAvE tO cOlLaBoRaTE iN a WoRk sEtTiNg” I wasn’t super happy.

Yeah but at work I’m not getting a grade that will effect my gpa and potential scholarship renewals. Just because my partners are okay with life long student loan debt doesn’t mean I am.


This is when you use your seniority to steamroll them and actually get work done.
