For example:
One Drop - Thousand Drop.
I’m funny right?
For example:
One Drop - Thousand Drop.
I’m funny right?
“Ihateyoyo” Instead of Iloveyoyo.
“Dun Can’t” instead of Duncan. (seewhatididthar? )
Yoyofactory-Mass producing/rehashing yoyo shapes to outsell and out option every other yoyo company factory.
Jk though, no hate on YYF
General yo = Private yo
Yomega - Yomama
I remember when I first started yoyoing…And you told me you were at MER because you were sponsored by yoyofactory and they sent you there to sell yoyos…tisk tisk tisk… :
OneDrop = WeHaveOurOwnForumAndRagingFanboys
ILYY = ThatCompanyThatDoesThecandyBlast
YYF = OurTeamBringsAllTheBoysToTheYardAndWe’reLikeIt’sBetterThanYours
Vs. Newton- Against Galileo
one drop- no drop
Versus Newton = with Issac
yoyofactory = yoyo mass produce
yoyojam = peanut butter yoyo
Death by yoyo = live for yoyo
Caribou lodge = animal pelt hut
hspin = Q swirl
Jazz-yo = Yo Metal
string theory = thread hypothesis
Turning point = straight area
Saturn Precision = Mercury approximation
Crucial = Important
Dream yo = yo reality
One drop = Many Drips
Please, Please, Please don’t hate on companies.
It’s all for fun. No hate here. Much love for the companies.
Just trying to keep the thread from getting locked. Cool thread, but it’s not cool when people say rude things.
Please, Please, Please don’t hate on companies.
It’s all for fun. No hate here. Much love for the companies.
Just trying to keep the thread from getting locked. Cool thread, but it’s not cool when people say rude things.
No, not really. They’re all aware of that. This is just for fun. That what you need to understand.
Please, Please, Please don’t hate on companies.
It’s all for fun. No hate here. Much love for the companies.
Just trying to keep the thread from getting locked. Cool thread, but it’s not cool when people say rude things.
No, not really. They’re all aware of that. This is just for fun. That what you need to understand.
I do understand. But calling companies bad names are not fun. That is considered bullying in my opinion. IT IS fun when they are nice names. But I don’t think saying things like “___ copydesignsfromothercompaniesfortheirprofit” and other rude names are appropriate. I know I am no mod, but I don’t think rude things are necessary.
Dif-E-Yo - Dif-E-Sup
Turning Point - Turning Exclamation Point
yoyorecreation - yoyoreborn
I know I’m not funny, but do laugh, so you make me happy.
YoYoJam- JoJoYam
YoYoFactory- TheBossLikesToHaveStarsonhisteamandtheyareflylikeaG5
Duncan- DudesCan
Caribou Lodge- Quality Deer’s Outhouse
SPYY- WeFlyLikeSaturn
Crucial- WeEnjoyOurFood or YouWillNeverPutDownOurYoYos
Vs. Newton - Mean Green Heath Machines (I dunno Got bored)
YYF - FoFoYactory (Why didn’t somebody do this?)
YYJ - Plastic Freaks (Gotta love YYJ plastics and Bi Metals)
CLYW - WYLC (Why Yodel Large Cries). Their first throw was the peak. Think about it.
Crucial - Necessity
Yomega - Mymega