So freakin’ hyped for this one!
A fellow member of the delusional plastic RBC club. I 3d printed my own crappier RBC while waiting for the real one.
Check yo’self ‘fo’ you wreck yo’self
Ain’t no delusion here
A silly conversation made real. Might be a prototype or two in the future. I’ll make sure they post here when it hits prod
This was show off at last DXL meetup apparently
That’s killer!
I like me some cork pads too, haha.
WHOA! That’s awesome!
Yyf makes the pads again
Not if you have a giant stash of them
Can’t find cork pads? Don’t want to give YYF money? We have the technology.
Of all the things I’ve acquired in my life just waiting to be asked for exactly the obscure thing and having exactly that, this is not one of those things
I would buy one… or two.
Ohh that’s probably as messy as wood fill but I bet it smells lovely
Also a sheet of cork can be cut . Honestly a quick bit of design work and my cutter could probably make pads
I still use brake pads, so glad I have a lot still.
You said that you’ve got a cricut maker? Should be able to kiss-cut sheets of adhesive cork or silicone, no worries.
My next cricut project was going to be cutting some friction stickers from adhesive backed denim, then painting some with silicone and rubber cement.
There is a plastic RBC coming.
I was walking to get lunch today, casually throwing my Unknown Butterfly (just a few sloppy zipper stalls and trapeze stalls, nothing too fancy). An older guy in a pickup truck slowed down next to me and said “You’re practicing to become the yo-yo champion of the world, right?” I shrugged, we both laughed, and he drove away.
Did you call the police??
Of course! it’s 2024, you have to call the police anytime someone is kind enough to speak to you.