Yoyo Boomers Club

@Veedo - Feel free to keep one of the skulls from that box!

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At least a couple weeks… Keith had it for a Month.

Depends on interest in trying it I guess. Anyone else interested in trying the Dead 'Orse?


I’d be interested. I was hoping to hop on the books for one so it would be sweet to give it a spin!

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I almost feel bad about letting the Deaf 'Orse out into the wild. There weren’t very many produced.

I was hoping there would be more. Maybe in the future?


I really don’t think Glen was stopping making. I was under the impression that he just needed a break from the forum. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

I never imagined I would say this and mean it but, I really hope there are more dead ‘orses in the future.


I was sort of under the impression this project was dead for the time being as Glenn takes a break.

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I wonder what would happen if someone emailed him and ask him to make a yoyo. I’m not suggesting anyone do that. I think we should give the man a break, but I can’t help but be curious.

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i dunno, i thought i remembered him saying he needed a break from the hobby, not just the forums. i imagine he prob needs breathing room if it’s become compulsive for him (i think that’s what he said) so a clean break is more than likely best if that’s the case


Now you mention it, I think I do recall that. Wishful thinking I think. :pensive:


yus. sad times but i do hope he does what he needs to for himself and his fam and if he finds the peace again, i have a feeling we’ll see him again

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I mean I’d take it again…permanently :joy:


Curious to see how long till inflation hits on his Woods. Supply and Demand and all.


Awesome! Thank you!

TY sir. I’ll plan on two weeks for now.

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Unless you really dislike it, you “could” pass it on sooner.

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So, I’ve been playing with an RBC I’m borrowing, and I’m…less than impressed?

This is one I’ve been REALLY wanting to throw for a while now, and was super excited to get a chance. I don’t know if the Workhorse has spoiled me, but I’m finding the RBC too small, too light, and too…hollow.

I have a feeling I’m in the minority here, but it makes me sad. I really wanted to love this one!

That being said. I’d still love to try a wooden Blood Cell, to see if it’s more of what I’m looking for. I know the Dead’Orse was amazing!


In my opinion, the workhorse and RBC are very different beasts. The RBC is all about very light gestures and 0A. Almost like you’re making the motions of the trick with nothing in your hands. No effort (literally) needed. Where as the Workhorse, although 0A capable, is heavier and solid feeling for responsive 1A stuff as well. I think both are great, but not the most comparable.

Try zoning out and putting no muscle into any movements you make with the RBC. It may feel a little awkward at first, but I think it really shines like that.


September Club Meeting - For those that can make it.

Topic: YYBC
Time: Sep 26, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 2073 6612
Passcode: 391336


after this meet we will fall into a regular cadence but i got caught up in stuff this month. thanks cody for setting up this months meet up


Yeah, I wasn’t a bog fan of the RBC, but the metal Harbinger is an amazing yoyo. If you don’t have one, seek one out.