Yoyo Boomers Club

Snagged 2 new yoyos today.

Toy and Diabetic Emergency in One?

Anyone else ever run into these? How do they play?


Ohh shoot are those still being sold. Where did you pick them up from

Corner minimart/adult beverage store.

Need me to pick you up one?


So if you chew all the gum, how does the play change? Can you then fill it with buckshot to make it even heavier!?


And here my first thought was “will
It stem?”


Okay, I was asking this over on discord but not everyone’s over there. Anyone opposed with the idea of setting a date and time for consistency for the boomer club online meet ups.

like every second Thursday 7pm to 9pm EST or whatever. Just an example we can refine it but that’s been about where we have been at anyway.

I think being able to plan for the meet every month and know when its gonna happen well in advance is more likely to get a better turn out.

If desired, we could also do an alternating schedule liken every other second Tuesday 5:30pm EST and every other 2nd Thursday 7pm est.

just to give more people a chance to meet in general but not sure if that A-B schedule would be more confusing or not.


I like the idea of a regularly scheduled meeting. It makes it easier to plan it into a month, with so much craziness going on with work, kids, etc…


Not great but better than I expected. However, after eating the gum and dropping the weight, it plays horrible. I started experimenting with increasing the weight again but never got back to it. I was going to glue some metal weights inside the cap.


I’m good with the idea of a set time. I lean more toward the alternating schedule as there are almost always conflicts and this gives more people greater opportunity. As an example, I have a commitment every Thursday night that I can’t neglect, so if Thursday were etched in stone I would never be able to make a meeting. But if there were an alternate every other month I could work that in. I don’t feel like it should be that confusing. At least I hope not. :smiley:

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Ok y’all. I’ve had my time with the Workhorse v2 PIF. Also, I leave for a two week vacation on Thursday, so let’s get this shipped out by Wednesday! Who wants it next?

*My thoughts:*

I haven’t been involved in the build of this thing, and I didn’t touch the v1, but I will say that this is a beautiful piece. It feels great in the hand, the finish is great, and it does everything it should and does it well. All that said, the metal Harbinger has spoiled me (and makes me wonder if the Workhorse could be a couple grams lighter?) This WHv2 is awesome, but it didn’t knock the ‘binger out of first place (for me). It definitely makes the podium tho! :1st_place_medal::2nd_place_medal::3rd_place_medal:

Also, regarding Berv’s included strings … I tried a few and was glad I got to. They’re very different than other strings I’ve tried. I think I’m gonna hang onto one of the Ink strings, I really like how it plays in my Harbinger. Slip knot does like to let go of my TH finger, but that can be solved with an extra loop.

Thanks for sharing, all!


A regular schedule would be cool and I would be cool with the staggered schedule. I can see how that could work in our favor, keeping different people involved. I am retired, so the time that works least well for me is later at night, just because of my schedule.


Are you all still accepting new members into this club? I’d like to join in on the meetings and discord.


always! all you had to do was ask. @Pun1sh3R will add you to the list


Absolutely you are welcome to join. :smiley:


+1 for regular date and time for the meeting


For me, it just depends what the chosen date and time are.

As long as it’s not during dinner/bath/bedtime for the little’ns, I should be able to work it out.

This is the only reason I like the changing schedule. I have been able to attend a few meetings this way but most of them end up happening in that time window that makes it hard for me.

But I know everyone else has stuff going on too, so whatever works best for the most people is good with me, even if that means I gotta “head out for a pack of smokes” at dinner time :joy: (in case of small brain, this is a joke)


Whiskey, anyone?

Any interest in something like this? It’d be cheaper than the Commemorative Glasses. Prob $12 or $15.

BTW, as a reminder (and for those of you who are new), I don’t make a dime off YYBC Merch. All profits go right back to the YYBC!!!


I’ve been using my Commemorative Glass non-stop, and the coozies, I would totally be in for something like this as well. Sport the club all over the house.


I sell more YYBC merch than I do Throw-Yo stuff (except for strings!) :rofl:


and we love you for it lol