Yoyo Boomers Club

Nothing I’ve seen. Cody is on the move. Once’s he’s back the “board” will likely be able to get on it pretty quick.

I don’t think there’s going to be changes from the V2.

Just comes down to how they want to sell them.


V1 is a jam but v2 is just plain better in my opinion. I was very leery about the changes to the v2. I was certain I would like v1 better but I was very wrong.

As far as I can recall, with v2 we lowered the wall a bit to open up the catch zone and made the schmoove groove wider. And I think we took a tiny bit of material out of the cup.

Somehow, Jake managed to keep all the best parts of v1 and just make it better. The idea was that we wanted it to lend itself a little more to 1a/string tricks. That goal was accomplished. It’s easily one of my best 0a/1a crossover throws.


Yayyyy!!! Bout time @Tobiyo89 got in here!

Welcome diggity-dude!!!


I will also say that v2 plays almost exactly like v1 if you put a weight ring in v2.


Everything said so far is correct and one last change is weight was added near the rim to… well, shift weight to the rim. In the cup there is a bump near the rim that is not in V1. This along with the weight removed from the center by increasing the shmoove Groove just changed the feel in all the right ways.


I was surprised at how much better the v2 felt than the v1, and I really liked the v1.


The V2 also works really well if shimmed and given a wide concave D bearing.

I imagine weight rings would add some spin time but the snappy binds are fantastic. I’ll note without a shim the seats a tad low and a wide bearing will be more simi responsive with the wide response area.

It really is a wonder how great the workhorse turned out and how versatile it is.

With weight rings you can change the weight significantly up to 9g heavier

With shims and different width D bearings you can go from looping to fully unresponsive and adjust minor preferences with lube and string thickness.

With freshly dirty stem seats you can wildly change the width of the YoYo, response and bearing sizes a, d or c and all you need is a 16mm m4 set screw.

You can also fit a Duncan mod kit in if you want it just covers the schmoove rings and needs a 20mm m4 set screw.

It’s just a good YoYo on its own but has a whole bunch of options many of which don’t even require taking it apart.


This has me really hype for the v2 then because this v1 is super fun!


The V1 is great but the refinement applied to the V2 just brought it to perfection. Because this and the Respawn both come from G2 and the Respawn is Jake’s baby I compare them often. The same response pads give them both a fair amount of similar feel on the return or regen but the Respawn is a tad more stabile. I feel like the Respawn excels slightly with 1a style where the 0a nod goes firmly to the Workhorse. Of course the idea behind the Workhorse was to be the best possible at skirting that line between 1a/0a and it does that in a superb way that I don’t think has been captured by any other modern responsive to date. Now let’s see if my comments have stirred up debate. :rofl::rofl:


The Workhorse has been a fun project. The initial committee did a great job getting the concept close and the club members that supported the v.1 Production run need a nod of thanks also.

Most of the changes have been mentioned;
Widened the Catch zone - You have to look closely at the two versions side by side to notice it.
Wider Schmoove Groove to reduce some of the center weight.
The weight was then Redistributed; Some to the Rim and some to the Mid-wall of the cup.
These changes also reduced the weight slightly.

I am amazed at how small changes have made a noticeable impact.

Through the testing of v.2, there were several comments on the response being too “responsive”. We have come to a consensus that we are going to leave the design currently as is.

If an end user wants less response, string thickness (Slimmer) can be used. Flowing Silicone/Gray can be done to recess the pad area. We feel it is easier to reduce response than add it.

As far as whats next;

Picking the 4 Colorways and engravings.
Pricing based on the Above options.
Club Member Pre-Order (Will have a Google Form made for this).
Deciding on Public Quantity to Order and how sales/shipping will be handled.

I have been MIA for the last three weeks with Personal Things. But it is all coming to a head and will be getting back to normal in about a week or so. The move is finally scheduled for this Sunday and Monday. I cant wait to see “Whats in the Box” once we get into our house.


If the current model does well then maybe in a year or two we do a refresh and tweak things a bit more :slight_smile:

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FYI @G2_Jake

I concur here, V1 was great, but V2 was streets ahead. (EDIT: I’ll be honest, my experience with this prototype can be summed up by this meme. Template because I’m lazy and working rn)

To reiterate, long story short, I ended up doing ONE August but I switched to V2 from V1 and my experience has been much more pleasant. Idk if its the psychology that nobody is looking at me anymore or if the V2 is just a much more pleasant experience of a throw, but ONE July with the V1 had me wishing I could throw something else. ONE August with the V2 just makes me want to keep throwing the V2.

If nothing changes between V2 and production, I’ll be ecstatic. If something does change and it’s somehow even better, I’m going to call Jake a witch and try to burn him at the stake because the only way this throw could be any better is if it… Hmm, idk, made me flapjacks on demand.


I think we also need to decide if there is a weight ring pack in?

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Lets start this discussion.

For a full set of Weight Rings, Like the ones that were in the v.1 were around $18.00 (That is with me buying them with the company resaler discount we had at Grainger).

What is the group opinion on adding $20.00 to the Yoyo for Rings?


i would make it an add on. if desired 5 bucks more add a pair of rings or whatever. we bulk order two desirable weights and send them to jake to pack in if ordered.

Not sure if jake wants the extra hassle on that but i think the yoyo on its own is fantastic and the weight rings are going to be desired by a subset of folks.

I’m cool with us adding a medium weight as stock and then having two other sizes smaller and larger as options as well if we really want to have a weight sent with it

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my only concern especially if you get folks who end up with multiple is people ending up with a bunch of weight rings and never using them and finding them as just extra stuff.

then again i got two mod 44 with a bunch of rims and i love that so idk it wouldn’t bother me but for a normal person i can see it being a negative


I love that you consider yourself not normal. :rofl::rofl:


My favorite part of that sentence is that he implies he’s not normal


I agree with this, assuming Jake is on board. Personally, v1 needed the rings. V2, not so much, however, I would personally rather have the option should I choose to get them (which, I personally would).


I guess we could wait to see if it would be a hassle or not as well. Like Megachicken noted, I feel like I used the rings more with the V1 and the V2 for me is great just as-is out of the box. Could also just make a note somewhere that “if you wanted to add weight rings, they are standard xx diameter o-rings”

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