Yeah when I was young I blew out my l3-l4 disk and then didn’t do anything about it cause I was dirt broke and the American health care system has been broken for a long time and I’m a stubborn moron who thought I could just walk it off. A decade later my spine surgeon gave me a choice I could have most of the ejected disk removed and the pain should go away and I’ll just be arthritic for the rest of my life or I could wait and see and maybe the pressure on the nerve will cause me to lose bowel control. Apparently that’s not something PT can get back so I went with the surgery and I’ve been relatively pain free minus the arthritis since. There’s a ticking clock on this spine eventually it’s gone go and I’ll need to get it fused I’ve been holding off but might be closer than I wanted to be… oh well such is life.
Kicker is if I had done some pt back in the day or had the surgery when I was young I might have had allot more disk left than the 30% I was left with. Stubborn arrogance isn’t worth it I learned that the hard way.
Well. I might have a talk with doctor then. I really messed up my tailbone in football. Also had a concussion that no one seemed to care about but that’s a different story. Might go see where it’s curving these days.
Ehh it’s fine. I just hope some young dumbass like me sees my story and decides to take care of there stuff vs kicking the can down the road and “walking it off” deal with your problems should be the moral of the story I hope folks take away.
You and I both heard similar stories in younger days. It’s hard to really wrap your head around those kinds of consequences when you’re young. But maybe someone will benefit.
I can second this feeling and I hope anyone with an injury finds a way to get it checked out. I was broke growing up and never went to the hospital either. Being a skateboarder I got (Still get) hurt all the time and once I broke my foot and never got it looked at. It healed and now I have to tie my right shoe looser to compensate the weird new shape. Although not as bad as a spinal injury, I sometimes get a sudden tinge of pain in my foot and have to hobble around a little. This plus the sounds of my bad ankles popping with each step is sometimes humorous for the kids, haha.
Please review the Member List in the First Post. If you are a Charter Member of the Yoyo Boomer Club, and your name is not on the list, please let me know.
I believe we can officially call this Club active, especially with 45 Charter members (Currently).
We will continue to accept members moving forward.
The Cobra Committee has decided the acronym we will use is “YYBC”.
Next orders of business; Mascott, Logo, Yoyo Design.
Thank you to all who have submitted Art Work and Ideas. I want to give this a little more time for other ideas and submittals. Then we can put a poll together for artwork.
Recently there are a few companies that are making responsives in that 55 g to 65 g frame and the heavier they play, they worse they seem to be for a responsive.
I had the idea that 55-56 is what would be ideal for me but a few things have changed my mind. Throwing the Turbo Grind Machine and Origen give a good feel for that 55 gram weight range. They feel good but at that weight they create A LOT of power. The Butterfly AL at 60 grams makes even more power and feels very scary as a responsive. The Deep State though with Flat Caps weighs in at just around or slightly under 53 grams and feels great in play. Just enough heft to give great feedback without the fear of it becoming a bullet flying at you. Also a yo-yo that many many players have loved at 53 grams is the Raider. At 50 grams you’re talking about the Loop 720. Also a great feeling yo-yo. I feel like anywhere from 50-53 is excellent. And the design of this responsive is very, very appealing to me.