Yoyo Boomers Club

I don’t believe a club yo-yo wants to be trimmed down to 40mm. That’s pretty niche to slimline fans. Where 43 is on the slim side of modern currently.


I’m partial to where it sits now. Size looks great, I love that little relief cut so it’s not such a straight high wall. I liked the 5stars approach to keeping string rub to a minimum so that little slope makes me happy.


I really like the way that the rim curves down ever so slightly instead of stopping at 90 degrees to the face angle. Also looks like it’s rolled under a bit to put some weight at the rim too. I like where those walls sit as well. @G2_Jake How would you describe your vision of the performance to comfort ratio on this one? Ie. would you say the design will lend itself more towards comfort than performance or are we leaning to a little of both? I know there’s always a compromise so I was just wondering with your expertise in design how you imagine this will play. Thank you again for being so involved. This is all a very exciting process and it’s so cool to get to be a part of it. So thanks again…really!!


That’s cool if that’s what the majority wants. Will just leave some cash in my wallet, never a bad thing :joy:

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Nothing about boomer club says performance.

So this is all soft, fun, float. I don’t want it to be overly unstable or difficult like the SOY.

Hardest part of a good organic is the balance of mid weight. This should land between the life and grail.

Trying to tie in some old organic favorites from the club. Peak, fhz, 54, albatross


I like this a lot, and the trail following it is nice and informative as well.
I think the size is good from my perspective, design features are great, that bump in the mid-cup, is that convex I’m assuming? Like a greatly muted double-rim? Haha, I dig it! And the smushed spike is a cool feature.
All technical terms here :wink:

All in all, I like this a lot so far from what I’m seeing, and the balance being between a Life and Grail is a great target point I think, I really liked the weight and play-feel from the Life.

Also, quick squirrel ADD moment, the Slingshot is awesome, like nothing I’ve felt before, but in a good way. Super unique and fun.

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50mm weight rings would likely be slightly small. Didn’t take into account these at all for the unresponsive.

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Fun and float are EXACTLY what I’d be looking for in a Boomer yo-yo. This I’d want to just pull out and chill with.


Glad you’re enjoying the Slingshot effect :wink:


I’m all for something thats not a SOY. I love my SOY but there is a reason i need to be in the mood to play it. lol

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that makes sense i wouldn’t want to limit the design to make that work just was curious.

yall making me feel fomo on that slingshot. gonna have to find someone with one to play it for a few minutes…


I don’t have FOMO. I have IKIMO. I know I missed out.

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Yeah I get that. My 2A is poor. So I didn’t participate. I can see that with people who aren’t good at 5A as well. But 5A is easier than 2A

Thank you Jake. Your answer was precise and informative. I like the sound of it. I am still not hip to all of the jive when it comes to terminology. So I appreciate you taking the time to explain. I’m definitely feeling inclined to want one of these when they come available. :grin:


My guess; YYBC members will preorder the prototype run just like the Workhorse.

If we get enough Patreons, this will be ordered and prototyped.

Just like the Workhorse, there will be a Patreon message group to discuss further. Colors for example of the prototype.


Updated the link tree for 2April


I like the overall shape. I will defer to others on the spike specifically but do vote that it not injure me :grimacing:


Just keep it away from your eyes and you should be safe. :grin::+1:

Edit: you might want to keep it out of your mouth too…that spike could get caught up on your teeth. :wink::+1:

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Idk, I feel like if Batman put these on, he could do some damage during close quarters combat