Yoyo Boomers Club

This seems like a much less labor intensive process , yet still giving as many opportunities to win prizes.

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So a combination of those 2 methods. Every week is open for contestants to post a video of themselves doing the trick of their choice(any trick, personal banger maybe), this earns the one and only entry of this sort for the month. During the first week there will be openings for tutorials to be posted earning the one and only entry of this sort for the month. If a person submits a video of one of the tutorial tricks, this can earn another entry. The more tutorial tricks a person does, the more entries they receive.

Edit: If the first week is to be opened for tutorials…then as much advanced notice as possible would yield the best results. This gives people time to decide what they want to work on and time to prepare. Also wouldn’t be a bad idea to have some sort of submission spreadsheet that insures duplicate tutorials are not submitted.

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I’ve been watching all of the videos anyways and giving them thumbs up, so…I think I’d be ok with keeping entries tallied into a spreadsheet if someone came up with one. In fact…my wife has become quite proficient in spreadsheets and she might even get a kick out of making one. I will ask later. :grin:

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This also is a good way to keep the labor down. Each person accumulates as many entries as they can over the month, at the end of the month there will be each prize up for grabs in a drawing. Each prize with its own drawing into which all of each contestant’s entries are calculated into. If a person wins, then their remaining entries are removed from the pool and we then move to the next prize drawing.


I like 1 to 2 minute freestyles with superlative style awards.

“Most spins”

“Best dressed”




I’m sure I’ll be voting @Son-of-Morris for best dressed. Still thinking about his slow descent into becoming Macho Man Randy Savage


This is a great idea and one that I remember being mentioned in the past. This could be a separate contest all together. It seems appropriate; due to the nature of the skill involved, that this should be a more “grand” prize. :thinking:

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Hey guys and gals! I’m looking for some 2A photo content for the Boomers instagram. If anyone wants to send me some cool artsy and creative photos of some loopers, a single looper, or maybe some sweet action shots, that would be awesome! The more creative and artsy the better! Or just nice clean product shots are rad too.


About to go outside and hang loppers in a tree one sec


I like this idea. Idk I’m fine with whatever folks want to do 5a is more mainstream than any previous event

Exactly! That was my thinking

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I need a 5a trick to do from a double or nothing

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First pass on the unresponsive. Lmk what we like and don’t like





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I like it. Maybe spike could be a bit more aggressive


That looks amazing…not sure about the color though…:rofl::rofl:

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More cone spike like spyy?


Taller base before the spike starts?

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This looks so freaking good! I was expecting more of a nipple than a spike but this looks perfect! Like it will be very functional. Like the spikes on the banshee SS, which are my favorite matador spikes.

Any chance it can be cut down to sub 40mm width? No offense meant here, but the sizing here (to me) is kind of boring, average, same 'ol, same 'ol. Just seems like most yoyos are in that area of size. To me if we’re making something, it should be a little different than the norm.

I love the high wall, the schmoove/quad fist style grooves. Not sure how I feel about the spike being on a platform like that.

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sharper. make it puncture skin. honestly looking at it on my laptop instead of phone it looks fine i can dig it.

Is this setup with the same grooves than can take weight rings like the workhorse has?